Thx a lot for the amazing work

Already used by beta feature at Clever Cloud ;-)

Best Regards,

Le vendredi 27 février 2015 17:08:24 UTC+1, rkuhn a écrit :
> Dear hakkers,
> we are pleased to announce the availability of the fourth milestone of 
> Akka Streams & HTTP. The biggest directly visible feature of this release 
> is a completely new and fluent Java DSL for writing FlowGraphs:
>    1. final RunnableFlow<Future<List<String>>> result = FlowGraph.factory
>    ()
>    2. .closed(
>    3. Sink.<List<String>> head(),
>    4. (builder, out) -> {
>    5. final UniformFanOutShape<Integer, Integer> bcast = builder.graph(
>    Broadcast.create(2));
>    6. final UniformFanInShape<Integer, Integer> merge = builder.graph(
>    Merge.create(2));
>    7.  
>    8. builder.from(in).via(f1).via(bcast).via(f2).via(merge).via(f3.
>    grouped(1000)).to(out);
>    9. builder.from(bcast).via(f4).to(merge);
>    10. });
> The biggest internal change shines through this sample as well: the type 
> returned from the FlowGraph factory describes the result of its 
> materialization. In this example we import Sink.head() into the graph as 
> an argument to the factory method, which will propagate the materialized 
> value to the overall graph—materializing and thereby running this graph 
> will return the Future that the head-Sink materializes to. In order to wire 
> this sink up to the rest of the graph, its so-called “shape” (called “out” 
> above) is passed into the block that constructs the graph.
> Another thing to notice is that we explicitly import the Merge and 
> Broadcast junctions into the graph, yielding UniformFanInShape and 
> UniformFanOutShape, respectively. This demonstrates that our Graph type is 
> no longer “untyped”, every graph now has a Shape. A Source[T, M] is just a 
> Graph[SourceShape[T], M], which means that it has a shape that has a single 
> output and materializes to a value of type M. Please take a look at the 
> freshly rewritten documentation 
> <> to see 
> this all in action.
> You might be wondering why we did such a big change to the already quite 
> good DSL, in particular one which will break a lot of source code (sorry 
> guys and gals, but you knew what you signed up for when using pre-alpha 
> software in your projects, right? ;-) ). The reason is a deep and 
> foundational one. The central promise and design goal of Akka Streams is 
> “supreme compositionality”, we have been calling stream elements 
> “blueprints that can be freely reused”. When trying to implement these 
> semantics, we discovered that the approach of using the MaterializedMap 
> structure was fundamentally flawed: importing for example a Sink twice 
> would lead to incorrect results when trying to obtain both materialization 
> results, because the user code has only one Key in its hands. The only 
> principled solution to this problem is that materialization results must be 
> combined explicitly when multiple are generated from the same graph, and 
> this principle applies in a hierarchical fashion. For an example see the 
> docs for Java 
> <>
>  and Scala 
> <>,
> here’s an excerpt:
>    1. import FlowGraph.Implicits._
>    2. val r: RunnableFlow[(Promise[Unit], Cancellable, Future[Int])] =
>    3. FlowGraph.closed(source, flow, sink)((_, _, _)) { implicit builder 
>    =>
>    4. (src, f, dst) => src ~> f ~> dst
>    5. }
> The second argument list combines the three values generated by the 
> source, flow and sink into a Tuple3 (using Scala’s lambda short-hand 
> notation, the Java example would use «(src, f, dst) -> new Triplet(src, 
> f, dst)» for a suitably defined Triplet class).
> In addition to these fundamental things we have also worked on new 
> features:
>    - configurable supervision strategy for stream processing stages (PR 
>    <>)
>    - add ContentEncoding negotiation 
>    <> (thanks André / @2beaucoup 
>    !)
>    - add Referer <> header to 
>    HTTP model
>    - make ShortNumber <> path 
>    matcher work and add minimum number to repeat 
>    <> modifier
>    - refactor HTTP RejectionHandler 
>    <> to make it more predictable
> For a list of all closed issues, see the milestone on github 
> <>
> .
> Happy hakking!
> *Dr. Roland Kuhn*
> *Akka Tech Lead*
> Typesafe <> – Reactive apps on the JVM.
> twitter: @rolandkuhn
> <!/rolandkuhn>

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