We ended up creating flow per connection which is not ideal, but this flow 
holds reference to the actor and session id. The actor receives OpenSession 
event with unique session ID and reference to the actor to send replies, 
creates child to handle the session, and then dispatches all incoming 
messages to it.

I hope the flow is not reused internally and materialized only once, 
otherwise this code is broken.

public Route createRoute() {
    return route(

private RouteResult websocketHandler(RequestContext ctx) throws Exception {
    int newSessionId = sessionId.incrementAndGet();
    Source<Message, ActorRef> source =
        Source.<Message>actorRef(BUFFER_SIZE, OverflowStrategy.fail()).
            mapMaterializedValue(receiver -> {
                     new WebSocketConnectionActor.OpenSession(newSessionId, 
                return receiver;
    Sink<WebSocketConnectionActor.IncomingMessage, NotUsed> actorSink =
        Sink.actorRef(webActor, new WebSocketConnectionActor.CloseSession(
    Sink<Message, NotUsed> sink =
        Flow.<Message, WebSocketConnectionActor.IncomingMessage>fromFunction
            message -> new WebSocketConnectionActor.IncomingMessage(
newSessionId, message)).to(actorSink);
    return ctx.complete(WebSocket.handleWebSocketRequestWith(ctx.request(), 
Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sink, source)));

On Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 9:26:25 AM UTC+1, Alan Klikic wrote:
Hi all,
any feedback on this?

Enter code here...

Thank you in advance.
Dana petak, 1. travnja 2016. u 15:53:17 UTC+2, korisnik Alan Klikic napisao 
Hi Endre,
thank you for the info.
I tested this example and noticed that AnActor is instanced only ones when 
Router.cpublic Route createRoute() {
 return route(
private RouteResult websocketHandler(RequestContext ctx) throws Exception {
 int newSessionId = sessionId.incrementAndGet();
 Source<Message, ActorRef> source =
 Source.<Message>actorRef(BUFFER_SIZE, OverflowStrategy.fail()).
 mapMaterializedValue(receiver -> {
 new WebSocketConnectionActor.OpenSession(newSessionId, receiver),
 return receiver;
 Sink<WebSocketConnectionActor.IncomingMessage, NotUsed> actorSink =
 Sink.actorRef(webActor, new 
 Sink<Message, NotUsed> sink =
 Flow.<Message, WebSocketConnectionActor.IncomingMessage>fromFunction(
 message -> new WebSocketConnectionActor.IncomingMessage(newSessionId, 
 return ctx.complete(WebSocket.handleWebSocketRequestWith(ctx.request(), 
Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sink, source)));

On Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 9:26:25 AM UTC+1, Alan Klikic wrote:
Hi all,

any feedback on this?
Thank you in advance.


Dana petak, 1. travnja 2016. u 15:53:17 UTC+2, korisnik Alan Klikic napisao 
Hi Endre,

thank you for the info.


I tested this example and noticed that AnActor is instanced only ones when R

Enter code here...
outer.createRoute is called.
Does this mean that one instance of AnActor is used for all websocket 
connections (if you have multiple parallel connections)?
I thought that AnActor represents each websocket connection (so multiple 
AnActor instances are created when you have multiple websocket connections).

Thank you in advance.

P.S. I'm new with akka and more and more enthusiastic about it while 
learning it. Also community is great. Thanks to all :)


Dana četvrtak, 31. ožujka 2016. u 16:12:12 UTC+2, korisnik drewhk napisao 

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Alan Klikic <akl...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

 Sink<Message, NotUsed> sink = Flow.<Message>create()
        .map((msg) -> new Incoming(msg.asTextMessage().getStrictText()))
        .to(Sink.actorRef(actor, PoisonPill.getInstance()));

Can you please explain what does bolded part of the code do? 
My first thought was that PoisonPill is sent when websocket disconnects. 

Yes, that is it. You can specify the stop message that is sent to the actor 
on upstream completion, which is in this case the built-in PoisonPill 
message -- but you can of course change this to whatever you want.


Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Thank you in advance.


Dana utorak, 8. ožujka 2016. u 15:59:26 UTC+1, korisnik Johan Andrén 
napisao je:

Here is an adaptation of the Scala sample, but in Java:

import akka.NotUsed;
import akka.actor.*;
import akka.http.javadsl.model.ws.Message;
import akka.http.javadsl.model.ws.TextMessage;
import akka.http.javadsl.server.HttpApp;
import akka.http.javadsl.server.Route;
import akka.japi.pf.ReceiveBuilder;
import akka.stream.OverflowStrategy;
import akka.stream.javadsl.Flow;
import akka.stream.javadsl.Sink;
import akka.stream.javadsl.Source;

import java.util.Optional;

public class WebSocketServer {
 private static final class Router extends HttpApp {

 private final ActorSystem system;

 public Router(ActorSystem system) {
 this.system = system;

 public Route createRoute() {
 return route(

 private Flow<Message, Message, NotUsed> createWebSocketFlow() {
 ActorRef actor = system.actorOf(Props.create(AnActor.class));

 Source<Message, NotUsed> source = Source.<Outgoing>actorRef(5, 
 .map((outgoing) -> (Message) TextMessage.create(outgoing.message))
 .<NotUsed>mapMaterializedValue(destinationRef -> {
 actor.tell(new OutgoingDestination(destinationRef), ActorRef.noSender());
 return NotUsed.getInstance();

 Sink<Message, NotUsed> sink = Flow.<Message>create()
 .map((msg) -> new Incoming(msg.asTextMessage().getStrictText()))
 .to(Sink.actorRef(actor, PoisonPill.getInstance()));

 return Flow.fromSinkAndSource(sink, source);


 public static void main(String[] args) {
 ActorSystem actorSystem = ActorSystem.create();

 Router router = new Router(actorSystem);
 router.bindRoute("", 8082, actorSystem);

 static class Incoming {
 public final String message;
 public Incoming(String message) {
 this.message = message;

 static class Outgoing {
 public final String message;
 public Outgoing(String message) {
 this.message = message;

 static class OutgoingDestination {
 public final ActorRef destination;
 OutgoingDestination(ActorRef destination) {
 this.destination = destination;

 static class AnActor extends AbstractActor {

 private Optional<ActorRef> outgoing = Optional.empty();

 public AnActor() {
 OutgoingDestination.class, (msg) -> outgoing = Optional.of(msg.destination)
 Incoming.class, (in) -> outgoing.ifPresent((out) -> out.tell(new 
Outgoing("got it"), self()))

Hope this helps.

--Johan Andrén
Akka Team, Lightbend Inc.


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