
Source.queue seems perfect to push elements dynamically into a source. 

I am using Akka Streams 2.0 with Play framework (2.5-M2).

In Play 2.5, the controller's 'chunked' method can take an Akka Streams 
Source to stream elements to the browser.
In other words Play defines its own Sink and I can't run a sourceQueue into 
a Sink by myself.  

So I've tried this to create a dynamic source : 

val (queue, pub) = Source.queue[String](10, 
val tick = Source.tick(0 second, 1 second, "tick")
tick.runForeach(t => queue.offer("tick"))


Sink.asPublisher is the only way I've found to materialize the source and 
keep a reference to it. But I find this a little verbose more important, 
it's not working, the browser is loading forever and no element is emitted. 

So is there a proper way to retrieve a source from Source.queue?

Thanks a lot


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