
I've got the following code that produces the error: too many arguments for 
method formFields: (pdm: 

object Json {
val sj = ScalaJack()
val vc = VisitorContext(hintMap = Map("default" -> "type"))
def fromJson[T](json: String)(implicit tag: TypeTag[T]) = sj.read[T](json, 
def toJson[T](value: T)(implicit tag: TypeTag[T]): String = 
sj.render[T](value, vc)

object AkkaSupport {
implicit def defaultJsonUnmarshaller[T](implicit fm: Materializer, tag: 
TypeTag[T]): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] =

import Json.AkkaSupport._
path("dms" / "messages" / "direct" / Segment ) { intentKey =>
formFields( 'data.as[Map[String,Any]], 'policy.as[MessagePolicy].? ) { 
(data,policy) =>

If I try without my unmarshaller like the following, then it compiles fine: 
 formFields( 'data.as[Map[String,Any]], 'policy.? ) { (data,policy) =>

Any idea why its not working? * I do have an implicit Materializer and 
ExecutionContext in scope.*

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