Hello, i trying to build actor system as N-levels tree with mutable 
state/data . 

public class RootActor extends AbstractActor implements Loggable {
 String name;
 Root data;

 public static Props props(String name, Root data, List<Node<?>> children) {
 return Props.create(RootActor.class, () -> new RootActor(name, data, 

 public RootActor(String name, Root data, List<Node<?>> childs) {
 this.name = name;
 this.data = data;

 public Receive createReceive() {
           return receiveBuilder().build();

 private void spreadChilds(List<Node<?>> childs) {
 childs.forEach( node -> {
         Data obj = ((Node<Data>)node).getData();
         List<Node<?>> grandchilds = node.getChildren();
         getContext().actorOf(ChildActor.props(obj.getName(), obj, 
grandchilds), obj.getName());

1. What is the right way to initialize list of child actors and 
grandchildren , does the supervisor strategy helps me to know when actor 
tree initialization completed ?
2. Do i need to store child actors references in their parents ?
3. Are there right ways to initialize actors with mutable state/values ?

Thank you for advices.

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