I'm looking to add some file output to my akka streams project
I see that there is a FileIO.toFile method which creates a sink which is
presumably non-blocking

But I need to create directories on the fly as well. Is there any help
here? Anything new in 2.4.2-RC1?

I assume the mkdirs call in the snippet below is blocking.

  val file = new File("dump/x/jan.txt")

  val ready: Boolean = file.getParentFile().mkdirs()

  val fileSink = FileIO.toFile(file, false)

  val source = Source(List("one", "two", "three", "four")).map { e =>
println(e); ByteString(e) }

  val r = source.runWith(fileSink)

  r.onComplete { x => println(x) }

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