Hi, I'm trying to configure a simple Akka cluster-aware router group, using 
2 nodes ("receiver" and "processor" roles).
Everything configured in code.

on RECEIVER node:

List<String> path = singletonList("/user/processorRouter");
processorRouter = context().actorOf(
       new ClusterRouterGroup(new RoundRobinGroup(path), 
             new ClusterRouterGroupSettings(10, path, false, 
"processor")).props(), "clusterProcessorRouter");

on PROCESSOR node:

ActorRef processorRouter = system.actorOf(
      SpringProps.create(system, ProcessorActor.class).withRouter(
              new RoundRobinPool(10)), "processorRouter");

(I'm using Spring Extension to create actors, but I believe that does not 
matter in this case)

The problem is, when I send a message from Receiver node actors:

processorRouter.tell(data, self());

Akka delivers this messages only SOMETIMES. Here what I can see in logs:

receiver_1: Receiver sent a message to processor: TEST
receiver_1: Receiver sent a message to processor: TEST
receiver_1: Receiver sent a message to processor: TEST
receiver_1: Receiver sent a message to processor: TEST
receiver_1: Receiver sent a message to processor: TEST
processor_1: Processor got a message: TEST
receiver_1: Receiver sent a message to processor: TEST
receiver_1: Receiver sent a message to processor: TEST...

But when I send a message directly to that router from the "receiver" node, 
ALL messages are delivered successfully to the "processor":

             .tell(data, ActorRef.noSender());

Can't find the problem with cluster-aware router config. Please help!

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