Greetings, I am new to Akka and I am looking for articles, case studies or 
just user experiences with distribution of live load and how to handle it. 
Are there patterns that are accepted or tech in Akka to help out? Basically 
the use case is as follows: 

I am developing a system that will run to handle hundreds, or thousands of 
concurrent users. The system will need to distribute the load around the 
hardware and that distribution should be transparent to the users. The 
users will be connected to stateful actors with TCP connections and as the 
need dictates those actors may be moved to different remote systems to 
balance load. So the idea is Client Conntects, Does some transactions and 
received event stream, after some period of time the system determines the 
load has to shift to another machine and wants to move that actor to a 
different machine. The user goes about doing their transactions blissfully 
unaware that anything happened. In addition for security reasons, the 
system should require as few ports open through firewalls as possible but 
still support thousands of connections. 

Can anyone help out with some information on accepted practices or is this 
something i will have to brew up myself (perhaps sending event to reconnect 
to a different actor to the client and then so on).

Thanks in advance. 

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