
I am using akka 2.4.8 and creating CH Group as following (with my custom 

Set<String> actorPaths = new HashSet<String>();

for (int i=0;i<WORKER_POOL_SIZE;i++){
    ActorRef worker = getContext().actorOf(Props.create(JobWorker.class), 
"jobworker-" + String.valueOf(i)) ;

        *new* ConsistentHashingGroup(actorPaths)
                .withHashMapper(new JobKeyBasedHashMapper())

Now, assuming I have a death-watch on routees and recreate the same upon 
Terminated message, will it be added automatically to the group ? 

If not, is there any other alternative approach using CH Group ?

One way I could think of is to use plain Router with 
ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic. But I could not figure out how to inject my 
custom hashing based on message into ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic. 



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