That's awesome thanks!

Here's the final service:

    val rawFileSink = FileIO.toFile(file)
    val thumbnailFileSink = FileIO.toFile(getFile(path, Thumbnail))
    val watermarkedFileSink = FileIO.toFile(getFile(path, Watermarked))

    val graph = Sink.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create(rawFileSink, 
thumbnailFileSink, watermarkedFileSink)((_, _, _)) {
      implicit builder => (rawSink, thumbSink, waterSink) => {
        val streamFan = builder.add(Broadcast[ByteString](2))
        val byteArrayFan = builder.add(Broadcast[Array[Byte]](2))

        streamFan.out(0) ~> rawSink
        streamFan.out(1) ~> byteAccumulator ~>

        byteArrayFan.out(0) ~> processorFlow(Thumbnail) ~> thumbSink
        byteArrayFan.out(1) ~> processorFlow(Watermarked) ~>


    graph.mapMaterializedValue[Future[Try[Done]]](fs => 
Future.sequence(Seq(fs._1, fs._2, fs._3)).map(f => Success(Done)))

After which, you can simply do this in the play controller:

On Tuesday, 10 May 2016 09:17:24 UTC+1, Tom Peck wrote:
> I'm trying to integrate an akka streams based flow in to my Play 2.5 app. 
>  The idea is that you can stream in a photo, then have it written to disk 
> as the raw file, a thumbnailed version and a watermarked version.
> I managed to get this working using a graph something like this:
>     val byteAccumulator = Flow[ByteString].fold(new 
> ByteStringBuilder())((builder, b) => {builder ++= b.toArray})
>                                         .map(_.result().toArray)
>     def toByteArray = Flow[ByteString].map(b => b.toArray)
>     val graph = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() {implicit builder =>
>       import GraphDSL.Implicits._
>       val streamFan = builder.add(Broadcast[ByteString](3))
>       val byteArrayFan = builder.add(Broadcast[Array[Byte]](2))
>       val output = builder.add(Flow[ByteString].map(x => Success(Done)))
>       val rawFileSink = FileIO.toFile(file)
>       val thumbnailFileSink = FileIO.toFile(getFile(path, Thumbnail))
>       val watermarkedFileSink = FileIO.toFile(getFile(path, Watermarked))
>       streamFan.out(0) ~> rawFileSink
>       streamFan.out(1) ~> byteAccumulator ~>
>       streamFan.out(2) ~>
>       byteArrayFan.out(0) ~> slowThumbnailProcessing ~> thumbnailFileSink
>       byteArrayFan.out(1) ~> slowWatermarkProcessing ~> watermarkedFileSink
>       FlowShape(, output.out)
>     })
>     graph
>   }
> Then I wire it in to my play controller using an accumulator like this:
>     val sink = Sink.head[Try[Done]]
>     val photoStorageParser = BodyParser { req =>
>          Accumulator(sink).through(graph).map(Right.apply)
>     }
> The problem is that my two processed file sinks aren't completing and I'm 
> getting zero sizes for both processed files, but not the raw one.  My 
> theory is that the accumulator is only waiting on one of the outputs of my 
> fan out, so when the input stream completes and my byteAccumulator spits 
> out the complete file, by the time the processing is finished play has got 
> the materialized value from the output.
> So, my questions are:  
> Am I on the right track with this as far as my approach goes?
> What is the expected behaviour for running a graph like this?
> How can I bring all my sinks together to form one final sink?

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