This is pretty clever. Can this same trick be applied to a Sink that feeds
data into an external system?
On Friday, February 20, 2015 at 2:20:42 AM UTC-8, drewhk wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> One trick I like to use is to define a Source in terms of a PushPullStage.
> Now this sounds strange, since a
pushRecursively() onComplete {
case Failure(ex) =>
case s =>
that's not safe.
On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 1:16 PM, Jakub Liska wrote:
> I do it just via ActorPublisher, the "scroll" method is basically
> asynchronously l
I do it just via ActorPublisher, the "scroll" method is basically
asynchronously loading elasticsearch records (classic cursor thingy). It's
a combination of request demand and asynchronous source of events :
def receive: Receive = {
case Request(n) if totalDemand > 0 && n > 0 && isActiv
but this approach forces you to call the thing that produces items and
block in the same dispatcher as the consumer, doesn't it?
What's the best option here? Having an Iterator[Future[T]] that return
promises of something that's being executed in a different exec. context?
Thank you
On Fri
That's quite a nice little trick Endre, way better that writing an
ActorPublisher if you don't need to communicate with the Producer. I did
something similar to create an infinite stream from Amazon SQS (using an
infinite Iterator[Unit] and mapAsyncUnordered) but this seems a much better
Hi Simon,
One trick I like to use is to define a Source in terms of a PushPullStage.
Now this sounds strange, since a PushPullStage is supposed to be someting
that transforms incoming element into outgoing elements, how can that be a
Source? Well, the trick is this:
def mySource = Source.empty
I struggle in nicely defining a Source that gets its elements from an
arbitrary event stream. At the moment my code looks like this:
def watchKey[A : Reads](key: SettingKey[A])(implicit ctx:
ExecutionContext): Source[Out[A]] = {
Source(new Publisher[Out[A]] {
var requestedElems = 0L