Regarding that suggestion, here is a code sample on how you might
accomplish the case of a graph stage that registers for updates from an
Curt Siffert
On Thursday, June 8, 2017 at 4:27:43 AM UTC-7, Akka Team wrote:
> One way would be mapAs
One way would be mapAsync(1)(elem =>
ask-actor-and-combine-elem-with-token). If asking for every element is too
expensive you could make a custom graph stage which asks the actor on
materialisation to get the first token, but then also registers for updates
from the actor, that can be done using th
Hi ,
I have the following use case that I want to model using akka streams and I
am new to akka streams so would like to know how/what is the best way to
model it.
I have a kafka consumer which reads from one topic massages the message and
sends it to a RESTful external service.
This externa