I'm looking at modelling a large parcel delivery system with approximately 
300k - 1m parcels per day depending on time of year. Each of those parcels 
has its own life cycle from assignment to a trip through eventual delivery. 
If parcels are on a route, then, for example, a delivery event at position 
5 on the route will cause an update of the ETA for parcels 6 - n where n 
could be 100 or so.
A parcel in position 50 might receive 60 such updates up until it is 
successfully delivered and therefore "retired" from active consideration.

I'm estimating that with 0.5m parcels and an 8 hour working day, I'll get 
around 20 delivery notifications per second, each generating a cascade of 
up to 100 new ETAs - so around 2000 updates/second. In the morning, around 
8am and 9am these numbers will peak as high priority orders tend to cluster 
well geographically so the drivers hit more deliveries in a shorter space 
of time - so say at Christmas peak we could get up to 5000 updates/second 
for brief periods.

Now I'm not a big data guy. To me this is immense, but realistically is 
this going to cause any problem for Akka persistence? Is up to 1m separate 
actor processors a sensible thing to have? There are alternative ways to 
model it - the updates are internally generated at the vehicle level (so 
theoretically I only need to persist the incoming vehicle signals) but the 
parcel life cycle extends beyond the duration of the vehicle trip so that 
could get messy.

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