Dear all,

I had a few questions for this list last week regarding an unrecoverable 
error condition that I was seeing in Wandoulabs WebSockets.

I have now isolated the problem to standard Scala 2.11.7 / Akka 2.3.11 
Tcp.Write with the minimal example at the bottom of this email.

It seems that sending a ByteString of a moderate size can basically nuke 
the network connection.

I am very concerned that such unrecoverable errors are possible 
(reconnecting would potentially allow sending the failed message, but let's 
not consider that a solution).

What is even more concerning is that I have seen related problems in my 
integration tests, where I am using Acking with backpressure everywhere, 
but I have been unable to get a reliable reproduction of the problem. Using 
Acking seems to mitigate the problem somewhat, but obviously not enough.

Can somebody please have a look at this and let me know if it is a bug or 
if there is some part of the Tcp.Write spec that I failed to grok. Also, 
confirming if the problem exists on some network other than mine would be a 
good data point. My corporate environment uses PEAP

Best regards,

package testing

import akka.event.LoggingReceive
import{ IO, Tcp }
import akka.util.ByteString
import java.util.UUID
import concurrent.duration._

 * This is a test of Akka IO to see if the WebSocket behaviour
 * described in Buggy is a TCP problem or limited to the WebSocket
 * implementation.
 * Run a blackhole on the target machine, e.g.
 *   nc -k -l 2222 >/dev/null
 * For a single session, to confirm transmission of payloads:
 *   nc -l 2222 > blackhole
 * run-main testing.BuggyTcp
object BuggyTcp extends App {
  implicit val system = ActorSystem()

  val remote = new InetSocketAddress("remote-hostname-here", 2222)

  system.actorOf(Props(classOf[BuggyTcp], remote), "client")

class BuggyTcp(remote: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  import Tcp._
  import context.system

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    IO(Tcp) ! Connect(remote)

  var connection: ActorRef = _

  object Ack extends Tcp.Event with {
    override def toString = "Ack"

  def receive = {
    case CommandFailed(write@Tcp.Write(bytes, ack)) =>
      log.error(s"failed to write ${ack}")

      // perpetually retry ... does it ever correct itself?
      import context.dispatcher
      context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1 second, connection, write)

    case c: Connected =>
      connection = sender()
      connection ! Register(self)"sending")

      // works
      //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString("A" * 30000), NoAck("Big thing"))
      //connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

      // never recovers
      connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString("A" * 300000), NoAck("Big thing"))
      connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString(UUID.randomUUID.toString), Ack)

    case Ack =>
    case _: ConnectionClosed =>

    case msg =>
      // (can't use LoggingReceive)"got a ${msg.getClass.getName}")



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