
1. initialize final_result array with whole sequence and count number of
keywords in no_of_keys and initialize counter array for keywords with value

2. if sequence_ptr is not null then start scanning the sequence if
keyword_matches() in sequence put into temp_array and update pointer to read
next character and repeat it till keyword unmatches.

3. put the value of temp_array into result_array and make temp_array null.
then if
strlen(result_array)< no_of_keys then go to step 2 with updated pointer to
read remaining sequence.

4. else check each character of temp_array and if keyword_matches() in
temp_array then increment counter in counter array at corresponding keyword
place in counter array.

5. check counter array if all places in array contain non-zero values, then
compare if strlen(result_array)<strlen(final_result) array then

6. else (if some places still have zero in counter array) then make zero in
each place of counter array and make result array null and go to step 2 with
updated pointer to read remaining sequence.

7. else (if sequence_ptr is null) then print final result.

 Assume keyword_matches() is checking characters of given sequence/pattern
in hash table(hash table stores all the keywords), so it is giving O(1)

This will give O(N) time complexity where N is total no of characters in
sequence(If no_of keywords k<<N).

Please correct me if i have done any mistake.

On 9/25/07, Sticker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Declare: this question is originally from Google. The original form
> is: given a document, how to find a shortest summary containing all
> the key words. After translated, it will be: given a sequence, how to
> find a shortest substring that contains all the items required.
> Example: a sequence "abaccdefgacel" and a set of key words "a", "c",
> "d" and "e". The shortest substring contianing all of the key words is
> "accde". Find one of such shortest substrings. In the original
> question, there is time complexity boundary O(N), where N is the
> length of the sequence.
> To me, this problem is rather questionable. So far my solution
> requires a hash table that gives no conflict and can locate a key word
> in O(1) time. Otherwise the time complexity will definitely be related
> to the number of key words.
> Does anyone have idea for a O(N) algorithm to solve this problem?
> >

Vaibhav Jain

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