perfect answer

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 12:40 AM, kumar raja <>wrote:

> Thanks for the solution. The idea worked for me.
> On 21 February 2014 01:58, Shashwat Anand <> wrote:
>> Think in binaries.
>> '1' = push, '0' = pop.
>> So a sequence of operations will consist of 0's and 1s.
>> Say N = length of set.
>> Property 1: count of 0 = count of 1 = N.
>>     There will be N push and N pop.
>> Property 2: At any point count of 1s >= count of 0s.
>>     1100 is valid. [2 push, 2 pop.]
>>     1001 is invalid. [1 push, 2 pop]  At index 3, number of 0s increased
>> that of 1s.
>>      Hence invalid.
>> Now just simulate the process by generating valid binaries.
>> Time complexity: O (N * (2 ^ N)), Space complexity: O (N)
>> Code follows,
>> int
>> main () {
>>     string s = "abc";
>>     int N = s.size ();
>>     for (int mask = 0; mask < (1 << (2 * N)); mask++) {
>>         bool ok = true;
>>         if (__builtin_popcount (mask) != N) continue;
>>         for (int i = 0, x = mask, c0 = 0, c1 = 0; i < 2 * N; i++, x /= 2)
>> {
>>             (x & 1) ? c1++ : c0++;
>>             ok &= (c0 <= c1);
>>         }
>>         if (! ok) continue;  // Invalid mask.
>>         stack <char> st;
>>         string t = "";
>>         for (int i = 0, x = mask, idx = 0; i < 2 * N; i++, x /= 2)
>>             if (x & 1)
>>                 st.push (s [idx++]);
>>             else
>>                 t += (), st.pop ();
>>         printf ("%s\n", t.c_str ());
>>     }
>>     return 0;
>> }
>> For s = "ab",
>> ba
>> ab
>> For s = "abc",
>> cba
>> bca
>> acb
>> bac
>> abc
>> For s = "abcd",
>> dcba
>> cdba
>> bdca
>> adcb
>> cbda
>> bcda
>> acdb
>> badc
>> abdc
>> cbad
>> bcad
>> acbd
>> bacd
>> abcd
>>  Alternatively, you can simply simulate the whole process and do a
>> validity
>> check after generation of string.  The check being, stack should be empty
>> and at any point during simulation, you should not try to pop from empty
>> stack.
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 11:57 PM, kumar raja <>wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Here is a permuatation related question.
>>> Suppose the set is {a,b,c};
>>> At a given point of time either u can push an
>>> elemnt on to the stack or pop of the element.
>>> While pushing the elements u have to follow the
>>> order a,b,c as given in the set.
>>> When u pop the element u will print it to the
>>> output array.
>>> one possible sequence of operations is
>>> push(a),push(b),pop(),push(c),pop(),pop()
>>> The permuation obtained by above combination is
>>>  {b,c,a}.
>>> But out of 6! permuations possible one invalid
>>> permutation  is {c,a,b} (guess how?)
>>> So how to print all valid permuations with the
>>> above constaraints?
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