[algogeeks] 10227 - Forests

2012-06-01 Thread Blackwizard
hi... I've got WA for 10227 of uva... here's my code: #include iostream #include sstream #include vector #include string #include algorithm #include set using namespace std; int main() { //freopen (10227.in, r, stdin); int t; cin t; string str; getline

[algogeeks] 567 of UVA - WA

2012-05-30 Thread Blackwizard
hi... I've used BFS algorithm to solve 567 of UVA... but it takes WA... here's my solution in c++: #include iostream #include queue #include cstring #include stdio.h using namespace std; int mat[21][21]; int mark[21]; int tc = 0; int n, m, t; int a, b; void bfs () { queue int q; q.push

[algogeeks] The Clocks - IOI 94 - 1166 of poj.org

2012-04-20 Thread Blackwizard
I have a problem with 1166 of poj.org... write a program that passed the testcases of this problem...but it's time limit exceeded... please suggest me a solution to solve this... thanks... Here is my code: #include iostream #include cmath #include vector #include string using namespace std;

[algogeeks] PLEASE HELP ME - Party Lamps

2011-09-16 Thread Blackwizard
I've read this following solution from USACO for IOI98 - Party Lamps problem..but I don't know why 2^4 and I don't know why the complete search works for this problem...!!! I didn't get exactly what it say... Can anybody help me to understand it? Thanks... IOI 98 - Party Lamps:

[algogeeks] Party Lamps

2011-09-15 Thread Blackwizard
Hi I want to solve this problem but I'm not sure about the algorithm... I think It can be complete search... Is the anybody to help me? what's the algorithm for this question... Problem Link: http://olympiads.win.tue.nl/ioi/ioi98/contest/day1/party/party.html Thank's -- You received this