It can be done in O(n) time using a hash table as shown by the following 
pseudo code:

function FindEvenRepeter(arr[])
    hash_table = empty
    sum = 0
    for x in arr
        if (x is present in hash_table)
            sum = sum ^ x
            add x to hash_table
    return sum

As Piyush correctly said, using XOR operation we can find a number that 
repeats odd number of times in an array in which other numbers repeat even 
number of times. So we try to reduce the given problem to the simplified 
problem. To do this, I have ignored the 1st occurance of any integer by 
storing it into the hash table and XORing the rest of the occurances. What 
this does is that, now the odd number of times occurring integers occur even 
number of times and get cancelled out by the XOR operation and the only 
number occuring even number of times, now gets XORed odd number of times, 
resulting in the final value of sum to be the required number

Time complexity is as apparent O(n) coz adding and searching to and in a 
hash table is O(1) operation.

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