
I'm a hobbyist programmer and need an algorithm for finding a best fit
for laying out a grid of graphics objects (square pictures with
captions) in a given rectangle or in a given range between X1 and X2.
User defined input:
imageMinSide, imageMaxSide
gutterMin, gutterMax
X1 & X2   or  areaWidth & areaHeight

Computed output:
columnCount, rowCount, gutter

Obviously, some input data may yield this not solvable, such as when
user defines imageMinSide smaller than the width of target area.
The algorithm should collect satisfying results and return the one
with the largest number of fitting objects = least area waste.

I'd need help in:
1) properly classifying/naming the algorithm, so that I can make a
further search on the net
2) approaching the task. Currently I've given a try to a classic try-
and-error loop with attempt limit, nudging the values up or down
depending on the result, but I can smell this is not the way to go.

The programming language that you could help me is not as important as
the very idea approach.

thanks for any hints
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