An effective search algorithm for the subset sum problem

Problem: There are n integers N_1, N_2, ..., N_n; we wonder if the sum
of some or all of these integers (a subset sum) is 0.


        (1) There are p different prime numbers P_1, P_2, ..., P_p;
        (2) P_1 * P_2 * ... * P_p > the largest of the absolute values of all
subset sums;
        (3) There is a subset sum M satisfying: M mod P_1 = 0; M mod P_2 =
0; ...; M mod P_p = 0;
        M must be 0.

For each P_i (i=1..p), use dynamic programming to compute the values
of "all subset sums mod P_i" and store them in the arrays s_mod_P_i[n]
[P_i]. For example, for the prime number P_1, we get an dynamic
programming array s_mod_P_1[n][P_1], where s_mod_P_1[i][j] = true
would mean there exists a subset among N_1, N_2, ..., N_i whose sum
mod P_1 equals j.

With these p arrays s_mod_p_i (i=1..p), we can use search to restore
an M and one of its addition expression in terms of N_1, N_2, ...,
N_n, or prove that M doesn't exist:

Suppose M exists, and we have an initial condition s_mod_P_i[n][0] =
true; (i=1..p)

We want to determine whether an addition expression of M includes N_n
as an addend, then
        either (1) N_n is included, i.e. s_mod_P_i[n-1][(0 - P_i) mod P_i] =
true; (i=1..p)
        or (2) N_n is not included, i.e. s_mod_P_i[n-1][0] = true; (i=1..p)
        or (3) both (1) and (2) are true;
        or (4) neither (1) or (2) is true.

If (4) is true, it means M doesn't exist for the current search path
and we must backtrack;
If (1) or (2) is true (and (3) is not true), it means there is only
one outlet for the current search path and we don't have to branch
If (3) is true, it means we must branch out 2 branches for the current
search path;

For (1), (2) or (3), we step forward to determine whether N_(n-1) can
be included in an addition expression of M.

This search algorithm has a strong branch-cutting condition in (1) and
is supposed to save a lot of time.

I originally think this is a dynamic programming algorithm and thanks
to Lin He who pointed out that there is actually a possibility for (3)
and suggested it can still be an efficient search algorithm.

Your comments are appreciated in advance.

Yao Ziyuan

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