Morning Everyone:

I'm currently creating a Java library that contains a collection of
interfaces, abstract classes, and fully implemented versions of an
assortment of data-structures and algorithms.  The library is going to
be used in conjunction with a program I'm writing, and its primary
purpose is to be used by undergraduate CS majors.

Here is a list of the currently accumulated structures and algorithms:

Ford Fulkerson
Nearest Neighbor
Binary Heap
Binomial Heap
Red-Black Trees
Binary Search Trees
Linked Lists
Min-Cut Max-Flow
Disjoint Sets

The algorithms and data structures are implemented using interfaces
and java generics to promote type safe development, as well as ease of
use in injecting personal code by users and students.  Abstract
classes have been partially implemented as well so as to allow for
quicker development when re-using code will save time.

I'm interested to hear what you all might find as useful algorithms to
see working visually.  What algorithms did you have particular trouble
with in college (if you attended).  Anything you wish you would have
seen but you didn't?

Thanks for the feedback!

Wes Jossey

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