I have a couple questions concerning graph theory.

1)  If I have a connected graph G(V,E), how can I determine if the
removal of a particular graph edge leaves the remaining graph still
"connected"? I mean specifically, how do you test for this in a fast

2) Is there any robust free-ware / algorithms / psuedocode for
identifying the cycle basis
(loops) for a sparse undirected, unweighted graph that has a
reasonable complexity?

3) The real problem. My graph actually represents local topological
connections between a surface mesh tessalation of triangular cells.
The vertices of my graph are the triangles. The edges of my graph are
the topological edges which connect exactly 2 triangles. I need to
partition the edges of the graph into its spanning tree edge space
it independent loop space (sum of loops + tree edges = total no. of
graph edges). Based on my topology, I can easily find the "local"
loops which "cycle" around the topological vertices of the mesh - and
these comprise the vast majority of the total loops. But how can I
quickly find the reamining "global" loops which could be present due
to genuses or holes in the mesh? These don't necessarily have to be
minimal if that would ease the complexity requirement. We call this a
loop-tree decomposition. Can anybody offer some assistance here
to help a non-graph theory expert?

Can anybody out there point me in the right direction?

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