Warm Greetings :

Am pleased  now in position  Press Release  to experienced reputable
Forum members ( Atomic bomb was thought a 'Newtoninan'
impossibility , didnt stop many trying ... latest Iranian as yet
unsucessful attempt, N Korea much luckier , India /Pakistan did it
kept confidential .... C# knowledge prefers )  :

kindly please reply email/ fax will do :

" I shall keep all disclosure re new generation data compression
methods in commercial confidentiality , only ever to do only with
prior written consent "
will forward the mathematics basis overview & mathematics proofs , to
begin 'profit shares' confidential collaborations/ further
developments etc.

this forms the 'rigorous' mathematics basis , like so called
Einstein's maths overturned all Newtonian

this to begin 1st familiarise with an invented discovered
object [ mathematics proven by Australia NSW senior Maths Professor,
Polish mathematician independently ]   whereby any 'random (or not)'
bits (iteration's input string ) with 2^N possibilities can ALWAYS
INVARIABLE be complete covered represented by ONLY a few smaller
number of  lesser length bits_string of length N-1  or N-2  or
N-3  ... N-P  [ P around log(base2)[N]  ]  .... you would then
definite able decide

=> near infinite data representations  follows mathematically
[ naturally ]

Australian Professor was even more sceptical  but am now  content
this 'new Maths foundations discovered like 50 years late than could
have been invented discovered then

with Kind Regards,
Intellectual Properties Holding International LTD
eFAX : +001 484 3464116

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