What is the definition of "closest to each other"?
Do you mean that the distance from the selected point to the most
distant of the three is minimized?
Or that the smallest circle enclosing the points is minimized?
Or that the total distance between all pairs of points is the
Or that the total distance from the selected points to the three other
points is the smallest?

In any case, I think that binning is a good place to start. If you
have N points in a region of area A, you can prove that if you divide
up the region into (N/3)-1 regions, at least one of those regions will
contain 4 points. Divide up the region containing the points into a
grid of at least that many square regions and make a list of points
which fall in each region. If one of these areas contains a large
number of points (You'll have to experiment to determine what this
number should be. Probably somewhere between 200 and 1000.) you can
repeat the binning process on just that area.

Then process these binned regions by considering each point as a
potential selected point. Compute the distance to the other points in
the region and the adjacent regions, keeping track of the three
closest. When you are done, if the point is better than the best you
have found so far, store it as the best so far.

The time complexity for each region is O(P^2) where P is the number of
points in the region. If you have R regions, the total runtime is
O(R*(N/R)^2) = O(N^2/R). But since R=(N/3)-1 the runtime complexity is


On May 2, 12:49 pm, Nishant Pandey <nishant.bits.me...@gmail.com>
> Guys i am looking for optimize algorithm for this, please help.

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