Interviewer want to test the knowledge of design pattern of the
candidate . we can use any DS to store Employee info like
ArrayList ,Tree(Level by Level Trave.. is good option),or hash . This
problem is related to Composite and Iterator pattern.
On Aug 5, 10:09 am, Chonku wrote:
We can store the employees as a list. Since each employee is managed by 1
boss, we can store the pointer to boss in the child.
To calculate getCostToCompany(char* bossName), we can scan the list and look
for those records where bossName matches those employees who have boss with
. This would bw O(n
Can some one suggest the approach for such problems?
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As per the problem it seems to be that there is one root node (CEO) and all
employees are child node. B'cos iin the question it is mentioned that each
employee is led by only 1 person except for the CEO (who has no boss).
Correct me if I am wrong.
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Gene wrote:
This is a nice question for them because the idea is simple, but they
have given you a data structure that is not good for the problem. If
each employee records had a list of people the employee leads, it
would be trivially easy. But it doesn't. So in the interview you can
show how smart you are