The sort is what makes this O(n*log n). The processing after the sort is 

So to describe the algorithm, after sorting A, it steps through the sorted 
array, determining what the value of K would have to be at that point such 
that setting the remaining values to K would cause the sum to be S. S-sum 
is the required total of the rest of the array, and that total is divided 
among the len(A) - index remaining values. If solution is less than the 
previous value in A, then it is not a valid solution because that previous 
value would have been set to K as well. If solution is greater than the 
current value, the the current value would not be replaced. Thus, it is 
necessary that prev < solution <= value.

There are some unstated assumptions. For example, if the values in A can be 
negative, there could be problems. And if values in A must be integers, the 
value of solution might not give a result exactly equal to S. But if A 
contains positive real numbers I think that it will work.


On Sunday, March 30, 2014 10:02:08 AM UTC-4, atul007 wrote:
> Hello,
>   i found this question online and its solution too....But i am not able 
> to fully understand the solution.Need your help to proof correctness of the 
> algo.
> Question is as follows :-
> *Question:*
> *Given an array A and a number S', provide an efficient algorithm (nlogn) 
> to find a number K such that if all elements in A greater than K are 
> changed to K, the sum of all elements in the resulting array will be S'.*
> *Example, given A: [90,30,100,40,20] and S' = 210, K will be 60.*
> *Ans)*
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> A = [90, 30, 100, 40, 20]
> S = 210
> K = 60
> A    = sorted(A)
> prev = 0
> sum  = 0
> for index, value in enumerate(A):
>     # What do we need to set all subsequent values to to get the desired sum?
>     solution = (S - sum) / (len(A) - index)
>     # That answer can't be too big or too small.
>     if prev < solution <= value:
>         print solution
>     sum += value
>     prev = value

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