I have been trying to solve this problem - 
but am getting continuous WA.
Now i have found a test case where my code gives wrong answer but am not 
able to find the fault in the logic. please help!!

The code along with the test case for which i am getting wrong answer- 

Explanation of recurrence. func(i,j,count)
It evaluates the minimum ruppees needed to buy 'i' kgs of apples from first 
'j' packets, buying exactly 'count' packets.
Following are the cases:
1- For jth packet, if the value is '-1' we skip it and go to j-1th packet 
as jth packet is not available. func(i,j,count)= func(i,j-1, count)

2- If the value of jth packet is != -1 then we can either use that packet 
or we can neglect it and go to the j-1th packet thus : func(i,j,count) = 
min{ (func(i-j, j-1, count+1), func(i,j-1, count) }

3- If the value = 0 i.e. the packet is free. then again we might either use 
it or skip it like in case of step 2. so the recurrence: func(i,j,count) = 
min{ (func(i-j, j-1, count), func(i,j-1, count) }. No count+1 here as the 
packet is free so are not going to buy it.

Hope this will help in better understanding the logic!

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