SuperSum is a function defined as:
* SuperSum(0 , n) = n, for all positive n.
* SuperSum(k , n) = SuperSum(k-1 , 1) + SuperSum(k-1 , 2) + ... +
SuperSum(k-1 , n), for all positive k, n.

Given k and n, return the value for SuperSum(k , n) modulo 1000000007.
 For Example: SuperSum(1,3) = 6
                     SuperSum(2,3) = 10
                     SuperSum(4,10) = 2002
                     SuperSum(10,35) = 150595840

I thought of constructing a table dp [50][200000] and pre-computing
these values but the solution will definitely time out
as n can be upto 10^9.
Please suggest how to approach this problem (and more importantly such
Thank You

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