following is code from geeks for geeks.
Please tell how the complexity of this in n*n!
n*n! times loop will be executed and then wat about the statements in

void reverse(char str[], int l, int h)
   while (l < h)
       swap(&str[l], &str[h]);

// Print all permutations of str in sorted order
void sortedPermutations ( char str[] )
    // Get size of string
    int size = strlen(str);

    // Sort the string in increasing order
    qsort( str, size, sizeof( str[0] ), compare );

    // Print permutations one by one
    bool isFinished = false;
    while ( ! isFinished )
        // print this permutation
        printf ("%s \n", str);

        // Find the rightmost character which is smaller than its next
        // character. Let us call it 'first char'
        int i;
        for ( i = size - 2; i >= 0; --i )
           if (str[i] < str[i+1])

        // If there is no such chracter, all are sorted in decreasing order,
        // means we just printed the last permutation and we are done.
        if ( i == -1 )
            isFinished = true;
            // Find the ceil of 'first char' in right of first character.
            // Ceil of a character is the smallest character greater than it
            int ceilIndex = findCeil( str, str[i], i + 1, size - 1 );

            // Swap first and second characters
            swap( &str[i], &str[ceilIndex] );

            // reverse the string on right of 'first char'
            reverse( str, i + 1, size - 1 );

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