Hi all,
The code below is a strlen() procedure implemented in vc7, I tried to
understand it but failed.
I think the core of this code is its "main_loop", which makes me
confused.Can anybody help me? Any hint will be appreciated.Thanks.

public  strlen

strlen  proc

        .FPO    ( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 )

string  equ     [esp + 4]

        mov     ecx,string              ; ecx -> string
        test    ecx,3                   ; test if string is aligned on
32 bits
        je      short main_loop

        ; simple byte loop until string is aligned
        mov     al,byte ptr [ecx]
        add     ecx,1
        test    al,al
        je      short byte_3
        test    ecx,3
        jne     short str_misaligned

        add     eax,dword ptr 0         ; 5 byte nop to align label

        align   16                      ; should be redundant

        mov     eax,dword ptr [ecx]     ; read 4 bytes
        mov     edx,7efefeffh
        add     edx,eax
        xor     eax,-1
        xor     eax,edx
        add     ecx,4
        test    eax,81010100h
        je      short main_loop
        ; found zero byte in the loop
        mov     eax,[ecx - 4]
        test    al,al                   ; is it byte 0
        je      short byte_0
        test    ah,ah                   ; is it byte 1
        je      short byte_1
        test    eax,00ff0000h           ; is it byte 2
        je      short byte_2
        test    eax,0ff000000h          ; is it byte 3
        je      short byte_3
        jmp     short main_loop         ; taken if bits 24-30 are clear
and bit
                                        ; 31 is set

        lea     eax,[ecx - 1]
        mov     ecx,string
        sub     eax,ecx
        lea     eax,[ecx - 2]
        mov     ecx,string
        sub     eax,ecx
        lea     eax,[ecx - 3]
        mov     ecx,string
        sub     eax,ecx
        lea     eax,[ecx - 4]
        mov     ecx,string
        sub     eax,ecx

strlen  endp


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