Buildbot success in on tomcat-9.0.x

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build succeeded!
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: Mark Thomas , remm 
Build Text: build successful
Status Detected: restored build
Build Source Stamp: [branch 9.0.x] 8cc2348e8e3a27997fc17493fe6ed9405130a513


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  compile: 1

  shell_6: 0

  shell_7: 0

  shell_8: 0

  shell_9: 0

  Rsync docs to 0

  shell_10: 0

  Rsync RAT to 0

  compile_1: 1

  shell_11: 0

  Rsync Logs to 0

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL Refleaks 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Artem Mukhin , Dino Viehland 
, Sam Gross 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 535, in test_flock
self._lock(fcntl.flock, "flock")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.3 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 1308, in test_flush_before_shutdown
 line 710, in run_until_complete
return future.result()
 line 1299, in client
await self.wait_closed(writer)
 line 193, in wait_closed
await obj.wait_closed()
 line 364, in wait_closed
await self._protocol._get_close_waiter(self)
TimeoutError: SSL shutdown timed out

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 532, in test_lockf
self._lock(fcntl.lockf, "lockf")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.3 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 69, in test_map_timeout
self.assertEqual([None, None], results)
AssertionError: Lists differ: [None, None] != []

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 17, in test_all
 line 316, in run_test_script
raise AssertionError(f"{name} failed")
AssertionError: script failed

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_asyncio.test_ssl
- test.test_concurrent_futures.test_process_pool
- test_eintr

Failed subtests:

- test_flush_before_shutdown - 
- test_flock - __main__.FNTLEINTRTest.test_flock
- test_lockf - __main__.FNTLEINTRTest.test_lockf
- test_map_timeout - 
- test_all - test.test_eintr.EINTRTests.test_all

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Dino Viehland 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 14, done.
remote: Counting objects:   7% (1/13)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (2/13)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (3/13)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (4/13)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (5/13)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (6/13)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (7/13)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (8/13)
remote: Counting object

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 FreeBSD15 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: opsec-fbsd15

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Artem Mukhin , Sam Gross 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 19, done.
remote: Counting objects:   5% (1/19)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (2/19)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (3/19)
remote: Counting objects:  21% (4/19)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (5/19)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (6/19)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (7/19)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (8/19)
remote: Counting objects:  47% (9/19)
remote: Counting objects:  52% (10/19)
remote: Counting objects:  57% (11/19)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (12/19)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (13/19)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (14/19)
remote: Counting objects:  78% (15/19)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (16/19)
remote: Counting objects:  89% (17/19)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (18/19)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (19/19)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (19/19), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   6% (1/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  13% (2/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  20% (3/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  26% (4/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (5/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  40% (6/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  46% (7/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  53% (8/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  60% (9/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (10/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  73% (11/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  80% (12/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  86% (13/15)
remote: Compressing objects:  93% (14/15)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
remote: Total 19 (delta 4), reused 11 (delta 4), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'b6228b521b4692b2de1c1c12f4aa5623f8319084'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at b6228b521b gh-115035: Mark ThreadHandles as non-joinable earlier 
after forking (#115042)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

configure: WARNING: pkg-config is missing. Some dependencies may not be 
detected correctly.

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_multiprocessing_spawn.test_processes

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 FreeBSD14 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: opsec-fbsd14

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Matthieu Caneill 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 11, done.
remote: Counting objects:  11% (1/9)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (2/9)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (3/9)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (4/9)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (5/9)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (6/9)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (7/9)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (8/9)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  12% (1/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (2/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  37% (3/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (4/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  62% (5/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (6/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  87% (7/8)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 11 (delta 1), reused 1 (delta 1), pack-reused 2
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '76108b8b05040fc49a6bc50eb2e990576595c57c'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 76108b8b05 #gh-75705: Set unixfrom envelope in mailbox._mboxMMDF 
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

configure: WARNING: pkg-config is missing. Some dependencies may not be 
detected correctly.

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_multiprocessing_fork.test_processes

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder x86-64 macOS 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: billenstein-macos

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Donghee Na , Sam Gross , 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 37, done.
remote: Counting objects:   2% (1/34)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (2/34)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (3/34)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (4/34)
remote: Counting objects:  14% (5/34)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (6/34)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (7/34)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (8/34)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (9/34)
remote: Counting objects:  29% (10/34)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (11/34)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (12/34)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (13/34)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (14/34)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (15/34)
remote: Counting objects:  47% (16/34)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (17/34)
remote: Counting objects:  52% (18/34)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (19/34)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (20/34)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (21/34)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (22/34)
remote: Counting objects:  67% (23/34)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (24/34)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (25/34)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (26/34)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (27/34)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (28/34)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (29/34)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (30/34)
remote: Counting objects:  91% (31/34)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (32/34)
remote: Counting objects:  97% (33/34)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (34/34)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (34/34), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   3% (1/26)
remote: Compressing objects:   7% (2/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (3/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  15% (4/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  19% (5/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  23% (6/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  26% (7/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  30% (8/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  34% (9/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  38% (10/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  42% (11/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  46% (12/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (13/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  53% (14/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  57% (15/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  61% (16/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  65% (17/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  69% (18/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  73% (19/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  76% (20/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  80% (21/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  84% (22/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (23/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  92% (24/26)
remote: Compressing objects:  96% (25/26)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (26/26)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (26/26), done.
remote: Total 37 (delta 11), reused 18 (delta 8), pack-reused 3
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '7fdd4235d790559372bbb1bf0c2384191a9bb5f3'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 7fdd4235d7 gh-112529: Stop the world around gc.get_referents 
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

configure: WARNING: pkg-config is missing. Some dependencies may not be 
detected correctly.

 file: libpython3.13d.a(dynamic_annotations.o) has no symbols
 file: libpython3.13d.a(gc_free_threading.o) has no symbols
 file: libpython3.13d.a(jit.o) has no symbols
ld: warning: -und

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed compile (failure) (3.12)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora Stable Clang 
3.12 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Erlend E. Aasland , Miss Islington (bot) 
<>, Seth Michael Larson 

BUILD FAILED: failed compile (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 34, done.
remote: Counting objects:   3% (1/30)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (2/30)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (3/30)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (4/30)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (5/30)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (6/30)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (7/30)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (8/30)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (9/30)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (10/30)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (11/30)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (12/30)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (13/30)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (14/30)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (15/30)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (16/30)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (17/30)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (18/30)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (19/30)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (20/30)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (21/30)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (22/30)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (23/30)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (24/30)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (25/30)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (26/30)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (27/30)
remote: Counting objects:  93% (28/30)
remote: Counting objects:  96% (29/30)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (30/30)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (30/30), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   5% (1/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (2/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  16% (3/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  22% (4/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  27% (5/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (6/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  38% (7/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  44% (8/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (9/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  55% (10/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  61% (11/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (12/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  72% (13/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  77% (14/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  83% (15/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (16/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  94% (17/18)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Total 34 (delta 14), reused 18 (delta 12), pack-reused 4
 * branch  3.12   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '5e6482806482af364ec93823893a49767e5f786f'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 5e64828064 [3.12] gh-112302: Backport SBOM generation tooling 
Switched to and reset branch '3.12'

ar: unable to copy file 'libpython3.12d.a'; reason: No space left on device
make: *** [Makefile:969: libpython3.12d.a] Error 1

Test report

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Buildbot success in on ofbizTrunkFrameworkPlugins

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build succeeded!
Worker used: bb_worker4_ubuntu
Blamelist: Michael Brohl 
Build Text: build successful
Status Detected: restored build
Build Source Stamp: [branch trunk] c156ab44141ff166f6620e754ac01df00d5e8a1f


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  pullAllPluginsSource: 0

  build: 0

  check: 0

  Copy checkstyle to destination directory structure: 0

  Copy codenarc to destination directory structure: 0

  generateReadmeFiles: 0

  Copy readme: 0

  generateOfbizDocumentation: 0

  Copy OfbizDocumentation: 0

  generateAllPluginsDocumentation: 0

  Copy AllPluginsDocumentation: 0

  javadoc: 0

  Copy javadoc: 0

  loadAll: 0

  testIntegration: 0

  Copy tests-results: 0

  Rsync trunk to 0

  clean things: 0

-- ASF Buildbot

Buildbot cancelled in on ofbizTrunkFrameworkPlugins

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build was cancelled
Worker used: bb_worker4_ubuntu
Blamelist: Michael Brohl 
Build Text: cancelled './gradlew --no-daemon ...' (cancelled)
Status Detected: cancelled build
Build Source Stamp: [branch trunk] c156ab44141ff166f6620e754ac01df00d5e8a1f


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  pullAllPluginsSource: 0

  build: 0

  check: 0

  Copy checkstyle to destination directory structure: 0

  Copy codenarc to destination directory structure: 0

  generateReadmeFiles: 0

  Copy readme: 0

  generateOfbizDocumentation: 0

  Copy OfbizDocumentation: 0

  generateAllPluginsDocumentation: 0

  Copy AllPluginsDocumentation: 0

  javadoc: 0

  Copy javadoc: 0

  loadAll: 0

  testIntegration: 6

  clean things: 0

-- ASF Buildbot

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed compile (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora Stable Clang 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Nikita Sobolev 

BUILD FAILED: failed compile (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 13, done.
remote: Counting objects:   8% (1/12)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (2/12)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (3/12)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (4/12)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (5/12)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (6/12)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (7/12)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (8/12)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (9/12)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (10/12)
remote: Counting objects:  91% (11/12)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (12/12)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (12/12), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  12% (1/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (2/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  37% (3/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (4/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  62% (5/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (6/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  87% (7/8)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 13 (delta 4), reused 7 (delta 4), pack-reused 1
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'd7334e2c2012defaf7aae920d6a56689464509d1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at d7334e2c20 gh-106233: Fix stacklevel in 
zoneinfo.InvalidTZPathWarning (GH-106234)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

ar: unable to copy file 'libpython3.13d.a'; reason: No space left on device
make: *** [Makefile:1002: libpython3.13d.a] Error 1

Test report

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora 
Stable 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Mariusz Felisiak , Nikita Sobolev 
, Seth Michael Larson 

BUILD FAILED: failed compile (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 13, done.
remote: Counting objects:   8% (1/12)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (2/12)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (3/12)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (4/12)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (5/12)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (6/12)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (7/12)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (8/12)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (9/12)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (10/12)
remote: Counting objects:  91% (11/12)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (12/12)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (12/12), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  12% (1/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (2/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  37% (3/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (4/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  62% (5/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (6/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  87% (7/8)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 13 (delta 4), reused 7 (delta 4), pack-reused 1
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'd7334e2c2012defaf7aae920d6a56689464509d1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation 

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL Refleaks 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Steve Dower 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 532, in test_lockf
self._lock(fcntl.lockf, "lockf")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.5 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 535, in test_flock
self._lock(fcntl.flock, "flock")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.3 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 17, in test_all
 line 316, in run_test_script
raise AssertionError(f"{name} failed")
AssertionError: script failed

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 69, in test_map_timeout
self.assertEqual([None, None], results)
AssertionError: Lists differ: [None, None] != []

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_functools
- test.test_concurrent_futures.test_process_pool
- test_eintr

Failed subtests:

- test_all - test.test_eintr.EINTRTests.test_all
- test_flock - __main__.FNTLEINTRTest.test_flock
- test_lockf - __main__.FNTLEINTRTest.test_lockf
- test_map_timeout - 

Test leaking resources:

- test_functools: memory blocks

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Steve Dower 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 17, in test_all
 line 316, in run_test_script
raise AssertionError(f"{name} failed")
AssertionError: script failed

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 535, in test_flock
self._lock(fcntl.flock, "flock")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.2 sec

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_capi
- test_tokenize

Failed subtests:

- test_all - test.test_eintr.EINTRTests.test_all
- test_flock - __main__.FNTLEINTRTest.test_flock

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Buildbot failure in on tomcat-9.0.x

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
Build status: BUILD FAILED: failed compile (failure)
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: remm 
Build Text: failed compile (failure)
Status Detected: new failure
Build Source Stamp: [branch 9.0.x] 6116c09e4a72ec144f46b8f5be1045c39dfb0785


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  compile: 1

  shell_6: 0

  shell_7: 0

  shell_8: 0

  shell_9: 0

  Rsync docs to 0

  shell_10: 0

  Rsync RAT to 0

  compile_1: 2

  shell_11: 0

  Rsync Logs to 0

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows Server 2022 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-win64-srv-22-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Hugo van Kemenade <>, Nikita 
Sobolev , Skip Montanaro , mpage 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 39, done.
remote: Counting objects:   2% (1/39)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (2/39)
remote: Counting objects:   7% (3/39)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (4/39)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (5/39)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (6/39)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (7/39)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (8/39)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (9/39)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (10/39)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (11/39)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (12/39)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (13/39)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (14/39)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (15/39)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (16/39)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (17/39)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (18/39)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (19/39)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (20/39)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (21/39)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (22/39)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (23/39)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (24/39)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (25/39)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (26/39)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (27/39)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (28/39)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (29/39)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (30/39)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (31/39)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (32/39)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (33/39)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (34/39)
remote: Counting objects:  89% (35/39)
remote: Counting objects:  92% (36/39)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (37/39)
remote: Counting objects:  97% (38/39)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (39/39)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (39/39), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   3% (1/33)
remote: Compressing objects:   6% (2/33)
remote: Compressing objects:   9% (3/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  12% (4/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  15% (5/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  18% (6/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  21% (7/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  24% (8/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  27% (9/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  30% (10/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (11/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  36% (12/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  39% (13/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  42% (14/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  45% (15/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  48% (16/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  51% (17/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  54% (18/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  57% (19/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  60% (20/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  63% (21/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (22/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  69% (23/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  72% (24/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (25/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  78% (26/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  81% (27/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  84% (28/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  87% (29/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  90% (30/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  93% (31/33)
remote: Compressing objects:  96% (32/33)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (33/33)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (33/33), done.
remote: Total 39 (delta 13), reused 20 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'c87233fd3fa77067013c35328f8c4884f0567a59'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows Server 2022 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-win64-srv-22-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Alex Waygood , Nikita Sobolev 
, Tian Gao 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 48, in test_wmi_query_error"Expected OSError")
AssertionError: Expected OSError

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_capi

Failed subtests:

- test_wmi_query_error - test.test_wmi.WmiTests.test_wmi_query_error

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Buildbot failure in on ofbizTrunkFrameworkPlugins

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
Build status: BUILD FAILED: failed Codenarc copied. (failure)
Worker used: bb_worker4_ubuntu
Blamelist: Michael Brohl 
Build Text: failed Codenarc copied. (failure)
Status Detected: failed build
Build Source Stamp: [branch trunk] c156ab44141ff166f6620e754ac01df00d5e8a1f


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  pullAllPluginsSource: 0

  build: 0

  check: 0

  Copy checkstyle to destination directory structure: 0

  Copy codenarc to destination directory structure: 2

  clean things: 0

-- ASF Buildbot

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker linaro-win-arm64 missing

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named linaro-win-arm64 went away.

It last disconnected at Tue Feb  6 14:49:37 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Windows on Arm 
Linaro team 

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker kulikjak-solaris-sparcv9 missing

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named kulikjak-solaris-sparcv9 went away.

It last disconnected at Tue Feb  6 14:49:27 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Jakub Kulik 

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker edelsohn-fedora-ppc64 missing

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named edelsohn-fedora-ppc64 went away.

It last disconnected at Tue Feb  6 14:49:25 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was David Edelsohn 


Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Debian root 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: angelico-debian-amd64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Mark Shannon 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 30, done.
remote: Counting objects:   3% (1/29)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (2/29)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (3/29)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (4/29)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (5/29)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (6/29)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (7/29)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (8/29)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (9/29)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (10/29)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (11/29)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (12/29)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (13/29)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (14/29)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (15/29)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (16/29)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (17/29)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (18/29)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (19/29)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (20/29)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (21/29)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (22/29)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (23/29)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (24/29)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (25/29)
remote: Counting objects:  89% (26/29)
remote: Counting objects:  93% (27/29)
remote: Counting objects:  96% (28/29)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (29/29)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (29/29), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   5% (1/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  10% (2/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  15% (3/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  20% (4/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (5/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  30% (6/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  35% (7/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  40% (8/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  45% (9/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (10/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  55% (11/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  60% (12/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  65% (13/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  70% (14/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (15/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  80% (16/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  85% (17/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  90% (18/20)
remote: Compressing objects:  95% (19/20)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (20/20)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (20/20), done.
remote: Total 30 (delta 8), reused 10 (delta 8), pack-reused 1
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '36518e69d74607e5f094ce55286188e4545a947d'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 36518e69d7 GH-108362: Incremental GC implementation (GH-108038)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

configure: WARNING: pkg-config is missing. Some dependencies may not be 
detected correctly.

make: *** [Makefile:2095: buildbottest] Error 2

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_multiprocessing_spawn.test_processes
- test.test_multiprocessing_forkserver.test_processes

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 
FreeBSD15 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: opsec-fbsd15

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Mark Shannon 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 50, in test_interpreter_shutdown
self.assertEqual(out.strip(), b"apple")

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed Installed (failure) (3.11)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora Stable Clang 
Installed 3.11 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Erlend E. Aasland 

BUILD FAILED: failed Installed (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 50, done.
remote: Counting objects:   2% (1/50)
remote: Counting objects:   4% (2/50)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (3/50)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (4/50)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (5/50)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (6/50)
remote: Counting objects:  14% (7/50)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (8/50)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (9/50)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (10/50)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (11/50)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (12/50)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (13/50)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (14/50)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (15/50)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (16/50)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (17/50)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (18/50)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (19/50)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (20/50)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (21/50)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (22/50)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (23/50)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (24/50)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (25/50)
remote: Counting objects:  52% (26/50)
remote: Counting objects:  54% (27/50)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (28/50)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (29/50)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (30/50)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (31/50)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (32/50)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (33/50)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (34/50)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (35/50)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (36/50)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (37/50)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (38/50)
remote: Counting objects:  78% (39/50)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (40/50)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (41/50)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (42/50)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (43/50)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (44/50)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (45/50)
remote: Counting objects:  92% (46/50)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (47/50)
remote: Counting objects:  96% (48/50)
remote: Counting objects:  98% (49/50)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (50/50)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (50/50), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   2% (1/42)
remote: Compressing objects:   4% (2/42)
remote: Compressing objects:   7% (3/42)
remote: Compressing objects:   9% (4/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (5/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  14% (6/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  16% (7/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  19% (8/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  21% (9/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  23% (10/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  26% (11/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  28% (12/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  30% (13/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (14/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  35% (15/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  38% (16/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  40% (17/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  42% (18/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  45% (19/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  47% (20/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (21/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  52% (22/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  54% (23/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  57% (24/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  59% (25/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  61% (26/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  64% (27/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (28/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  69% (29/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  71% (30/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  73% (31/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  76% (32/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  78% (33/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  80% (34/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  83% (35/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  85% (36/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (37/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  90% (38/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  92% (39/42)
remote: Compressing objects:  95% (40/42

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed Installed (failure) (3.12)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora Stable Clang 
Installed 3.12 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Erlend E. Aasland 

BUILD FAILED: failed Installed (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 60, done.
remote: Counting objects:   1% (1/60)
remote: Counting objects:   3% (2/60)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (3/60)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (4/60)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (5/60)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (6/60)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (7/60)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (8/60)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (9/60)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (10/60)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (11/60)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (12/60)
remote: Counting objects:  21% (13/60)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (14/60)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (15/60)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (16/60)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (17/60)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (18/60)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (19/60)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (20/60)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (21/60)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (22/60)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (23/60)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (24/60)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (25/60)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (26/60)
remote: Counting objects:  45% (27/60)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (28/60)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (29/60)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (30/60)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (31/60)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (32/60)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (33/60)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (34/60)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (35/60)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (36/60)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (37/60)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (38/60)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (39/60)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (40/60)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (41/60)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (42/60)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (43/60)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (44/60)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (45/60)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (46/60)
remote: Counting objects:  78% (47/60)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (48/60)
remote: Counting objects:  81% (49/60)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (50/60)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (51/60)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (52/60)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (53/60)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (54/60)
remote: Counting objects:  91% (55/60)
remote: Counting objects:  93% (56/60)
remote: Counting objects:  95% (57/60)
remote: Counting objects:  96% (58/60)
remote: Counting objects:  98% (59/60)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (60/60)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (60/60), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   2% (1/34)
remote: Compressing objects:   5% (2/34)
remote: Compressing objects:   8% (3/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (4/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  14% (5/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  17% (6/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  20% (7/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  23% (8/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  26% (9/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  29% (10/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  32% (11/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  35% (12/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  38% (13/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  41% (14/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  44% (15/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  47% (16/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (17/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  52% (18/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  55% (19/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  58% (20/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  61% (21/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  64% (22/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  67% (23/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  70% (24/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  73% (25/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  76% (26/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  79% (27/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  82% (28/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  85% (29/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (30/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  91

Buildbot success in on tomcat-8.5.x

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build succeeded!
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: remm 
Build Text: build successful
Status Detected: restored build
Build Source Stamp: [branch 8.5.x] 7d7f83d2c9527be5ef9237ebd6c222ef0abd27d1


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  compile: 1

  shell_6: 0

  shell_7: 0

  shell_8: 0

  shell_9: 0

  Rsync docs to 0

  shell_10: 0

  Rsync RAT to 0

  compile_1: 1

  shell_11: 0

  Rsync Logs to 0

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

svn commit: r1085380 [2/2] - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: cache/main.pageCache documentation.html release-notes-584.html release-notes.html

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
Added: websites/production/tapestry/content/release-notes-584.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/release-notes-584.html (added)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/release-notes-584.html Tue Feb  6 
13:11:49 2024
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+  Release Notes 5.8.4 - Apache Tapestry
+if (window.location.protocol === 'http:' && window.location.hostname !== 
'localhost') {
+  window.location = window.location.href.replace('http://', 'https://');
 crossorigin="anonymous" defer>
 crossorigin="anonymous" defer>
+ga('create', 'UA-400821-1', 'auto');
+ga('send', 'pageview');
+apache tapestry
+Getting Started
+  Community
+  Mailing 
+  Support
+  Getting 
 title="Edit this page (requires approval, just ask on the mailing list)">Edit 
this page
+  Development
+;>Source Code
+  Apache
+;>About Apache
+  Search
TapestryDocumentationRelease NotesRelease Notes 5.8.4
+Release Notes 5.8.4
+Tapestry 5.8.4 is a 
new release with some enhancements and bug fixes.Tapestry 
5.8.4 is a drop-in replacement and recommended upgrade for Tapestry 5.7.0+ 
projects.The highlights are the 
support for Java 21 bytecode, and improvement and a fix in multiple classloader 
support and the upgrade to latest Underscore.js 
version.Improvements made
+#refresh-module--1088731152 .icon {
+background-position: left center;
+background-repeat: no-repeat;
+display: inline-block;
+font-size: 0;
+max-height: 16px;
+text-align: left;
+text-indent: -em;
+vertical-align: text-bottom;

svn commit: r1085380 [1/2] - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: cache/main.pageCache documentation.html release-notes-584.html release-notes.html

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Tue Feb  6 13:11:49 2024
New Revision: 1085380

Production update by buildbot for tapestry


Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/documentation.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/documentation.html (original)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/documentation.html Tue Feb  6 13:11:49 
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
TopicsIntroductionGetting StartedPrinciplesTapestry TutorialDependencies, Tools and 
The Skeleton ApplicationExploring the ProjectImplementing the Hi-Lo 
Guessing GameUsing BeanEditForm To 
Create User FormsUsing Tapestry With 
HibernateUser GuideSupported Environments and 
LayoutConfigurationRuntime ExceptionsClass ReloadingComponent ReferenceAnnotationsComponent ClassesComponent TemplatesProperty ExpressionsComponent ParametersParameter Type CoercionLayout ComponentComponent MixinsBuilt-in 
NavigationLocalizationPage Life CycleRequest ProcessingComponent RenderingComponent EventsURL rewritingDOMResponse 
CompressionSecurityHTTPSContent Type and MarkupPersistent Page DataSession StorageClustering 
IssuesInjectionEnvironmental ServicesCSSAssetsForms and ValidationBeanEditForm GuideUploading FilesLoggingUnit testing pages or 
DashboardModulesBuilt In 
ModulesThird Party 
ModulesIOCTapestry IoC 
OverviewTapestry IoC ModulesDefining Tapestry IOC 
AdvisorsTapestry IoC 
DecoratorsTapestry IoC 
Implementation ReloadingOrdering by ConstraintsSymbolsChainBuilder ServicePipelineBuilder ServiceShadowBuilder ServiceStrategyBuilder Service<
 a href="injection-in-detail.html">Injection in DetailObject ProvidersService SerializationType CoercionStarting the IoC RegistryRegistry StartupParallel ExecutionLogging in TapestryUsing JSR 330 standard 
TrackerHibernate - 
CoreHibernate - Core - ConfHibernateHibernate User GuideIntegrating with Spring FrameworkBean ValidationComponent ReportAliasesIntegrating with JPAClient-Side JavaScriptJavaScript 
ModulesCoffeeScriptTypeScriptLegacy JavaScriptAjax and ZonesREST Support (5.8.0+)CORS (Cross-Origin 
Resource Sharing) Support (5.8.2+)Cheat SheetsApplication Module Class Cheat 
SheetComponent Cheat 
SheetTapestry for JSF 
Exception ReportingError Page 
Informal ParametersComponent 
CasesEnum Parameter 
RecipeExtending the If 
ComponentMeta-Programming Page 
ContentUsing Select With a ListIoC cookbookIoC Cookbook - Basic 
Services and InjectionIoC Cookbook - Overriding IoC 
ServicesIoC Cookbook - 
cookbook - Service ConfigurationsPerformance and 
ClusteringGoogle App 
EngineFrequently Asked QuestionsGeneral 
QuestionsTemplating and 
Markup FAQPage And 
 t Classes FAQForms 
and Form Components FAQBeanEditForm FAQLink Components FAQComponent Events FAQJavaScript FAQAjax Components FAQInjection FAQTapestry Inversion of Control 
FAQSecurity FAQIntegration with existing 
Processing FAQLimitationsSpecific Errors FAQHibernate Support FAQMaven Support FAQRelease Upgrade FAQRelease NotesHow to UpgradeRelease Notes 5.0Release Notes 5.1Release Notes 5.2Release Notes 
5.2.0Release Notes 
5.2.1Release Notes 
5.2.2Release Notes 
5.2.3Release Notes 
5.2.4Release Notes 
5.2.5Release Notes 
  Notes 5.3Release Notes 
5.3.1Release Notes 
5.3.2Release Notes 
5.3.3Release Notes 
5.3.4Release Notes 
5.3.5Release Notes 
5.3.6Release Notes 
5.3.7Release Notes 
5.3.8Release Notes 
5.4Release Notes 
5.4.1Release Notes 
5.4.2Release Notes 
5.4.3Release Notes 
5.4.4Release Notes 
5.4.5Release Notes 
5.5.0Release Notes 5.6.0Release Notes 5.6.1Release Notes 5.6.2Release Notes 5.6.3Release Notes 5.7.0Release Notes 5.7.1Release Notes 5.7.2Release Notes 5.6.4Release Notes 5.7.3Release Notes 5.8.0Release Notes 5.8.1Release Notes 5.8.2Release Notes 5.8.3JavaScript Rewrite in 5.4SupportDeveloper InformationBuilding Tapestry from 
SourceConfluence Site 
SetupSince and Deprecated User 
BibleRelease ProcessThe tapestry jailVersion Numbers
TopicsIntroductionGetting StartedPrinciplesTapestry TutorialDependencies, Tools and 
The Skeleton ApplicationExploring the ProjectImp

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 FreeBSD14 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: opsec-fbsd14

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Seth Michael Larson 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 13, done.
remote: Counting objects:   7% (1/13)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (2/13)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (3/13)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (4/13)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (5/13)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (6/13)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (7/13)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (8/13)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (9/13)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (10/13)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (11/13)
remote: Counting objects:  92% (12/13)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (13/13)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  14% (1/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  28% (2/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  42% (3/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  57% (4/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  71% (5/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  85% (6/7)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 7 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '4bf41879d03b1da3c6d38c39a04331e3ae2e7545'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 4bf41879d0 gh-112302: Change 'licenseConcluded' field to 
'NOASSERTION' (#115038)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

configure: WARNING: pkg-config is missing. Some dependencies may not be 
detected correctly.

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_multiprocessing_spawn.test_processes

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder x86-64 macOS 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: billenstein-macos

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Erlend E. Aasland 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects:  10% (1/10)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (2/10)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (3/10)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (4/10)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (5/10)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (6/10)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (7/10)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (8/10)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (9/10)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  20% (1/5)
remote: Compressing objects:  40% (2/5)
remote: Compressing objects:  60% (3/5)
remote: Compressing objects:  80% (4/5)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 4), reused 5 (delta 4), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '13eb5215c9de9dd302f116ef0bca4ae23b02842b'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 13eb5215c9 gh-115009: Update macOS installer to use SQLite 
3.45.1 (#115066)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

configure: WARNING: pkg-config is missing. Some dependencies may not be 
detected correctly.

 file: libpython3.13d.a(dynamic_annotations.o) has no symbols
 file: libpython3.13d.a(gc_free_threading.o) has no symbols
 file: libpython3.13d.a(jit.o) has no symbols
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may no

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-06 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 FreeBSD14 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: opsec-fbsd14

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Barney Gale 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
remote: Counting objects:  12% (1/8)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (2/8)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (3/8)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (4/8)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (5/8)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (6/8)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (7/8)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  14% (1/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  28% (2/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  42% (3/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  57% (4/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  71% (5/7)
remote: Compressing objects:  85% (6/7)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 8 (delta 1), reused 5 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '1b1f8398d0ffe3c8ba2cca79d0c0f19a6a34e72a'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 1b1f8398d0 GH-106747: Make pathlib ABC globbing more consistent 
with `glob.glob()` (#115056)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

configure: WARNING: pkg-config is missing. Some dependencies may not be 
detected correctly.

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_multiprocessing_fork.test_processes

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (7f1c5578bbe9461185715ce162baf37eb58689f5)

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder s390x RHEL8 Refleaks 3.11 
while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: edelsohn-rhel8-z

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 4047, in test___all__
support.check__all__(self,, self.name_of_module,
 line 1474, in check__all__
test_case.assertCountEqual(module.__all__, expected)
AssertionError: Element counts were not equal:
First has 0, Second has 1:  'OpenWrapper'

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_typing
- test_io

Failed subtests:

- test___all__ - test.test_io.CMiscIOTest.test___all__
- test___all__ - test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest.test___all__

Test leaking resources:

- test_typing: memory blocks

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed Installed (failure) (3.11)

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora Stable Clang 
Installed 3.11 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Miss Islington (bot) 

BUILD FAILED: failed Installed (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects:  10% (1/10)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (2/10)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (3/10)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (4/10)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (5/10)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (6/10)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (7/10)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (8/10)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (9/10)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (1/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  22% (2/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (3/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  44% (4/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  55% (5/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (6/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  77% (7/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (8/9)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 0), reused 6 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
 * branch  3.11   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '753d0d559caeec389b348a397a7e6a83a3460890'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 753d0d559c [3.11] gh-109991: Update macOS installer to use 
OpenSSL 3.0.13. (GH-115054)
Switched to and reset branch '3.11'

./Modules/timemodule.c:151:13: warning: code will never be executed 
./Modules/expat/xmlparse.c:3116:9: warning: code will never be executed 
parser->m_characterDataHandler(parser->m_handlerArg, parser->m_dataBuf,
./Modules/expat/xmlparse.c:3115:16: note: silence by adding parentheses to mark 
code as explicitly dead
  else if (0 && parser->m_characterDataHandler)
   /* DISABLES CODE */ ( )
1 warning generated.
./Modules/expat/xmlparse.c:4059:9: warning: code will never be executed 
parser->m_characterDataHandler(parser->m_handlerArg, parser->m_dataBuf,
./Modules/expat/xmlparse.c:4058:16: note: silence by adding parentheses to mark 
code as explicitly dead
  else if (0 && parser->m_characterDataHandler)
   /* DISABLES CODE */ ( )
2 warnings generated.
renaming build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3 to build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/idle3 to build/scripts-3.11/idle3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/2to3 to build/scripts-3.11/2to3-3.11

renaming build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3 to build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/idle3 to build/scripts-3.11/idle3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/2to3 to build/scripts-3.11/2to3-3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3 to build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/idle3 to build/scripts-3.11/idle3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/2to3 to build/scripts-3.11/2to3-3.11
changing mode of 
 to 644
changing mode of 
 to 644
changing mode of 
 to 755
changing mode of 
 to 755
changing mode of 

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder x86-64 macOS 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: billenstein-macos

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Ned Deily 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 10, done.
remote: Counting objects:  10% (1/10)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (2/10)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (3/10)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (4/10)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (5/10)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (6/10)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (7/10)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (8/10)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (9/10)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (1/2)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 7), reused 9 (delta 7), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '638e811a3c54a81d8af5a4c08b9497d210823f78'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 638e811a3c gh-109991: Update macOS installer to use OpenSSL 
3.0.13. (GH-115052)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

configure: WARNING: pkg-config is missing. Some dependencies may not be 
detected correctly.

 file: libpython3.13d.a(dynamic_annotations.o) has no symbols
 file: libpython3.13d.a(gc_free_threading.o) has no symbols
 file: libpython3.13d.a(jit.o) has no symbols
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with chained fixups
ld: warning: -undefined dynamic_lookup may not work with c

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed Installed (failure) (3.12)

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora Stable Clang 
Installed 3.12 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Miss Islington (bot) 

BUILD FAILED: failed Installed (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 24, done.
remote: Counting objects:   4% (1/24)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (2/24)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (3/24)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (4/24)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (5/24)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (6/24)
remote: Counting objects:  29% (7/24)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (8/24)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (9/24)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (10/24)
remote: Counting objects:  45% (11/24)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (12/24)
remote: Counting objects:  54% (13/24)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (14/24)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (15/24)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (16/24)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (17/24)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (18/24)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (19/24)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (20/24)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (21/24)
remote: Counting objects:  91% (22/24)
remote: Counting objects:  95% (23/24)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (24/24)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (24/24), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   5% (1/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (2/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  17% (3/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  23% (4/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  29% (5/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  35% (6/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  41% (7/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  47% (8/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  52% (9/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  58% (10/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  64% (11/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  70% (12/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  76% (13/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  82% (14/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (15/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  94% (16/17)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 24 (delta 7), reused 17 (delta 6), pack-reused 0
 * branch  3.12   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '51f8c0459d48966daa4e1676187f6943c6446aff'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 51f8c0459d [3.12] gh-109991: Update macOS installer to use 
OpenSSL 3.0.13. (GH-115053)
Switched to and reset branch '3.12'

./Modules/expat/xmlparse.c:3116:9: warning: code will never be executed 
parser->m_characterDataHandler(parser->m_handlerArg, parser->m_dataBuf,
./Modules/expat/xmlparse.c:3115:16: note: silence by adding parentheses to mark 
code as explicitly dead
  else if (0 && parser->m_characterDataHandler)
   /* DISABLES CODE */ ( )
./Modules/expat/xmlparse.c:4059:9: warning: code will never be executed 
parser->m_characterDataHandler(parser->m_handlerArg, parser->m_dataBuf,
./Modules/expat/xmlparse.c:4058:16: note: silence by adding parentheses to mark 
code as explicitly dead
  else if (0 && parser->m_characterDataHandler)
   /* DISABLES CODE */ ( )
2 warnings generated.

ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 28] No space left 
on device: 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "", line 88, in _run_code
 line 5, in 

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker ambv-bb-win11 missing

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named ambv-bb-win11 went away.

It last disconnected at Tue Feb  6 01:23:00 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Lukasz Langa 


Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 FreeBSD15 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: opsec-fbsd15

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Serhiy Storchaka 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 30, done.
remote: Counting objects:   3% (1/30)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (2/30)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (3/30)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (4/30)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (5/30)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (6/30)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (7/30)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (8/30)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (9/30)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (10/30)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (11/30)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (12/30)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (13/30)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (14/30)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (15/30)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (16/30)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (17/30)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (18/30)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (19/30)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (20/30)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (21/30)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (22/30)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (23/30)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (24/30)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (25/30)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (26/30)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (27/30)
remote: Counting objects:  93% (28/30)
remote: Counting objects:  96% (29/30)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (30/30)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (30/30), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   6% (1/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  12% (2/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  18% (3/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (4/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  31% (5/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  37% (6/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  43% (7/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (8/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  56% (9/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  62% (10/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  68% (11/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (12/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  81% (13/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  87% (14/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  93% (15/16)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Total 16 (delta 14), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'bb57ffdb38e9e8df8f9ea71f1430dbbe4bf2d3ac'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at bb57ffdb38 gh-83648: Support deprecation of options, arguments 
and subcommands in argparse (GH-114086)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

configure: WARNING: pkg-config is missing. Some dependencies may not be 
detected correctly.

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_multiprocessing_spawn.test_processes

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder x86-64 macOS 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: billenstein-macos

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Dino Viehland , Erlend E. Aasland 
, HarryLHW <>, Serhiy Storchaka 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 74, done.
remote: Counting objects:   1% (1/73)
remote: Counting objects:   2% (2/73)
remote: Counting objects:   4% (3/73)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (4/73)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (5/73)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (6/73)
remote: Counting objects:   9% (7/73)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (8/73)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (9/73)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (10/73)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (11/73)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (12/73)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (13/73)
remote: Counting objects:  19% (14/73)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (15/73)
remote: Counting objects:  21% (16/73)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (17/73)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (18/73)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (19/73)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (20/73)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (21/73)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (22/73)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (23/73)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (24/73)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (25/73)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (26/73)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (27/73)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (28/73)
remote: Counting objects:  39% (29/73)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (30/73)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (31/73)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (32/73)
remote: Counting objects:  45% (33/73)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (34/73)
remote: Counting objects:  47% (35/73)
remote: Counting objects:  49% (36/73)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (37/73)
remote: Counting objects:  52% (38/73)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (39/73)
remote: Counting objects:  54% (40/73)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (41/73)
remote: Counting objects:  57% (42/73)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (43/73)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (44/73)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (45/73)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (46/73)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (47/73)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (48/73)
remote: Counting objects:  67% (49/73)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (50/73)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (51/73)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (52/73)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (53/73)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (54/73)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (55/73)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (56/73)
remote: Counting objects:  78% (57/73)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (58/73)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (59/73)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (60/73)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (61/73)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (62/73)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (63/73)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (64/73)
remote: Counting objects:  89% (65/73)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (66/73)
remote: Counting objects:  91% (67/73)
remote: Counting objects:  93% (68/73)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (69/73)
remote: Counting objects:  95% (70/73)
remote: Counting objects:  97% (71/73)
remote: Counting objects:  98% (72/73)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (73/73)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (73/73), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   2% (1/43)
remote: Compressing objects:   4% (2/43)
remote: Compressing objects:   6% (3/43)
remote: Compressing objects:   9% (4/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (5/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  13% (6/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  16% (7/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  18% (8/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  20% (9/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  23% (10/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (11/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  27% (12/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  30% (13/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  32% (14/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  34% (15/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  37% (16/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  39% (17/43)
remote: Compressing objects:  41% 

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Arch Linux TraceRefs 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: pablogsal-arch-x86_64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Dino Viehland , Mark Shannon 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 40, done.
remote: Counting objects:   2% (1/39)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (2/39)
remote: Counting objects:   7% (3/39)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (4/39)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (5/39)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (6/39)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (7/39)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (8/39)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (9/39)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (10/39)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (11/39)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (12/39)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (13/39)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (14/39)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (15/39)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (16/39)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (17/39)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (18/39)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (19/39)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (20/39)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (21/39)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (22/39)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (23/39)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (24/39)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (25/39)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (26/39)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (27/39)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (28/39)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (29/39)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (30/39)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (31/39)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (32/39)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (33/39)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (34/39)
remote: Counting objects:  89% (35/39)
remote: Counting objects:  92% (36/39)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (37/39)
remote: Counting objects:  97% (38/39)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (39/39)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (39/39), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   3% (1/27)
remote: Compressing objects:   7% (2/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (3/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  14% (4/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  18% (5/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  22% (6/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (7/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  29% (8/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (9/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  37% (10/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  40% (11/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  44% (12/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  48% (13/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  51% (14/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  55% (15/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  59% (16/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  62% (17/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (18/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  70% (19/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  74% (20/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  77% (21/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  81% (22/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  85% (23/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (24/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  92% (25/27)
remote: Compressing objects:  96% (26/27)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (27/27)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (27/27), done.
remote: Total 40 (delta 13), reused 21 (delta 11), pack-reused 1
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'bcccf1fb63870c1b7f8abe246e27b7fff343abd7'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at bcccf1fb63 gh-112075: Add gc shared bits (#114931)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

Objects/longobject.c: In function ‘long_format_binary’:
Objects/longobject.c:2121:13: warning: ‘kind’ may be used uninitialized 
 2121 | else if (kind == PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND) {
  | ^
Objects/longobject.c:1997:9: note: ‘kind’ was declared here

Buildbot success in on tomcat-11.0.x

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build succeeded!
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: Mark Thomas , remm 
Build Text: build successful
Status Detected: restored build
Build Source Stamp: [branch main] 5f06983eeefb53d1f3a4ce92cbf049c36abc411a


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  shell_6: 0

  compile: 1

  shell_7: 0

  shell_8: 0

  shell_9: 0

  shell_10: 0

  Rsync docs to 0

  shell_11: 0

  Rsync RAT to 0

  compile_1: 1

  shell_12: 0

  Rsync Logs to 0

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder ARM64 MacOS M1 Refleaks 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-macos-arm64-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Mark Shannon 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
    res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwa

Buildbot cancelled in on tomcat-8.5.x

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build was cancelled
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: remm 
Build Text: compile (cancelled)
Status Detected: cancelled build
Build Source Stamp: [branch 8.5.x] 4f400e976d9ddcefc0c9d93a2abf94915aa8cf38


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  compile: 1

  shell_6: 0

  shell_7: 0

  shell_8: 0

  shell_9: 0

  Rsync docs to 0

  shell_10: 0

  Rsync RAT to 0

  compile_1: 6

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Buildbot failure in on tomcat-11.0.x

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
Build status: BUILD FAILED: failed Snapshot deployed to ASF Maven snapshot 
repository (failure)
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: remm 
Build Text: failed Snapshot deployed to ASF Maven snapshot repository (failure)
Status Detected: new failure
Build Source Stamp: [branch main] a25e27cf5784afeeaf8a650033edbef1b7aac1c2


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  shell_6: 0

  compile: 1

  shell_7: 0

  shell_8: 0

  shell_9: 2

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Buildbot success in on tomcat-8.5.x

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build succeeded!
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: Christopher Schultz , Mark Thomas 
, remm 
Build Text: build successful
Status Detected: restored build
Build Source Stamp: [branch 8.5.x] 6350946b8426a9a36aebaf0fcafc7a85db80a75e


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  compile: 1

  shell_6: 0

  shell_7: 0

  shell_8: 0

  shell_9: 0

  Rsync docs to 0

  shell_10: 0

  Rsync RAT to 0

  compile_1: 1

  shell_11: 0

  Rsync Logs to 0

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-05 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder ARM64 MacOS M1 Refleaks 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-macos-arm64-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Terry Jan Reedy 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
    res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwa

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed compile (failure) (3.11)

2024-02-04 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora Stable LTO + 
PGO 3.11 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Hugo van Kemenade <>, Miss 
Islington (bot) <>

BUILD FAILED: failed compile (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 56, done.
remote: Counting objects:   1% (1/54)
remote: Counting objects:   3% (2/54)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (3/54)
remote: Counting objects:   7% (4/54)
remote: Counting objects:   9% (5/54)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (6/54)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (7/54)
remote: Counting objects:  14% (8/54)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (9/54)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (10/54)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (11/54)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (12/54)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (13/54)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (14/54)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (15/54)
remote: Counting objects:  29% (16/54)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (17/54)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (18/54)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (19/54)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (20/54)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (21/54)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (22/54)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (23/54)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (24/54)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (25/54)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (26/54)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (27/54)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (28/54)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (29/54)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (30/54)
remote: Counting objects:  57% (31/54)
remote: Counting objects:  59% (32/54)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (33/54)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (34/54)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (35/54)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (36/54)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (37/54)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (38/54)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (39/54)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (40/54)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (41/54)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (42/54)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (43/54)
remote: Counting objects:  81% (44/54)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (45/54)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (46/54)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (47/54)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (48/54)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (49/54)
remote: Counting objects:  92% (50/54)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (51/54)
remote: Counting objects:  96% (52/54)
remote: Counting objects:  98% (53/54)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (54/54)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (54/54), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   2% (1/46)
remote: Compressing objects:   4% (2/46)
remote: Compressing objects:   6% (3/46)
remote: Compressing objects:   8% (4/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  10% (5/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  13% (6/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  15% (7/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  17% (8/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  19% (9/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  21% (10/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  23% (11/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  26% (12/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  28% (13/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  30% (14/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  32% (15/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  34% (16/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  36% (17/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  39% (18/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  41% (19/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  43% (20/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  45% (21/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  47% (22/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (23/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  52% (24/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  54% (25/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  56% (26/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  58% (27/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  60% (28/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  63% (29/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  65% (30/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  67% (31/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  69% (32/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  71% (33/46)
remote: Compressing objects:  73% (34/46)   

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (00d7109075dfaadf438362c084e8a1890c53d4c8)

2024-02-03 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows11 Refleaks 3.x 
while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: ware-win11

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 50, in test_interpreter_shutdown
self.assertEqual(out.strip(), b"apple")
AssertionError: b'' != b'apple'

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_concurrent_futures.test_shutdown

Failed subtests:

- test_interpreter_shutdown - 

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-03 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder ARM64 MacOS M1 Refleaks 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-macos-arm64-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Travis Howse 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
    res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 87, in _cleanup
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 296, in _run_finalizers
 line 220, in __call__
res = self._callback(*self._args, **self._kwa

Buildbot success in on ofbizTrunkFrameworkPlugins

2024-02-03 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build succeeded!
Worker used: bb_worker4_ubuntu
Blamelist: Jacques Le Roux , Michael Brohl 
, Michael Brohl 
Build Text: build successful
Status Detected: restored build
Build Source Stamp: [branch trunk] c81a7ad5f9b803cd6a553f9a0cdd1a9e868633d2


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  pullAllPluginsSource: 0

  build: 0

  check: 0

  Copy checkstyle to destination directory structure: 0

  Copy codenarc to destination directory structure: 0

  generateReadmeFiles: 0

  Copy readme: 0

  generateOfbizDocumentation: 0

  Copy OfbizDocumentation: 0

  generateAllPluginsDocumentation: 0

  Copy AllPluginsDocumentation: 0

  javadoc: 0

  Copy javadoc: 0

  loadAll: 0

  testIntegration: 0

  Copy tests-results: 0

  Rsync trunk to 0

  clean things: 0

-- ASF Buildbot

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (3c30de1172422c4081eb3757fad80b5d2f72b566)

2024-02-03 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder PPC64LE CentOS9 Refleaks 
3.11 while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-CentOS9-ppc64le

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 4047, in test___all__
support.check__all__(self,, self.name_of_module,
 line 1474, in check__all__
test_case.assertCountEqual(module.__all__, expected)
AssertionError: Element counts were not equal:
First has 0, Second has 1:  'OpenWrapper'

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_typing
- test_io

Failed subtests:

- test___all__ - test.test_io.CMiscIOTest.test___all__
- test___all__ - test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest.test___all__

Test leaking resources:

- test_typing: memory blocks

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL Refleaks 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Alex Waygood , John Belmonte 
, Jokimax <>, Malcolm 
Smith , Serhiy Storchaka , Terry Jan 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 1308, in test_flush_before_shutdown
 line 710, in run_until_complete
return future.result()
 line 1299, in client
await self.wait_closed(writer)
 line 193, in wait_closed
await obj.wait_closed()
 line 364, in wait_closed
await self._protocol._get_close_waiter(self)
TimeoutError: SSL shutdown timed out

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 532, in test_lockf
self._lock(fcntl.lockf, "lockf")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.3 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 532, in test_lockf
self._lock(fcntl.lockf, "lockf")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.8 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 17, in test_all
 line 316, in run_test_script
raise AssertionError(f"{name} failed")
AssertionError: script failed

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_eintr

Failed subtests:

- test_lockf - __main__.FNTLEINTRTest.test_lockf
- test_flush_before_shutdown - 
- test_all - test.test_eintr.EINTRTests.test_all

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker ambv-bb-win11 missing

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named ambv-bb-win11 went away.

It last disconnected at Fri Feb  2 23:46:14 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Lukasz Langa 


Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed compile (failure) (3.12)

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora Stable LTO + 
PGO 3.12 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Hugo van Kemenade <>, Miss 
Islington (bot) <>

BUILD FAILED: failed compile (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 50, done.
remote: Counting objects:   2% (1/49)
remote: Counting objects:   4% (2/49)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (3/49)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (4/49)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (5/49)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (6/49)
remote: Counting objects:  14% (7/49)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (8/49)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (9/49)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (10/49)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (11/49)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (12/49)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (13/49)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (14/49)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (15/49)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (16/49)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (17/49)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (18/49)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (19/49)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (20/49)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (21/49)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (22/49)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (23/49)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (24/49)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (25/49)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (26/49)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (27/49)
remote: Counting objects:  57% (28/49)
remote: Counting objects:  59% (29/49)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (30/49)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (31/49)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (32/49)
remote: Counting objects:  67% (33/49)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (34/49)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (35/49)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (36/49)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (37/49)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (38/49)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (39/49)
remote: Counting objects:  81% (40/49)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (41/49)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (42/49)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (43/49)
remote: Counting objects:  89% (44/49)
remote: Counting objects:  91% (45/49)
remote: Counting objects:  93% (46/49)
remote: Counting objects:  95% (47/49)
remote: Counting objects:  97% (48/49)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (49/49)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (49/49), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   2% (1/34)
remote: Compressing objects:   5% (2/34)
remote: Compressing objects:   8% (3/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (4/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  14% (5/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  17% (6/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  20% (7/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  23% (8/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  26% (9/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  29% (10/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  32% (11/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  35% (12/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  38% (13/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  41% (14/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  44% (15/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  47% (16/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (17/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  52% (18/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  55% (19/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  58% (20/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  61% (21/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  64% (22/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  67% (23/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  70% (24/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  73% (25/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  76% (26/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  79% (27/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  82% (28/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  85% (29/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (30/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  91% (31/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  94% (32/34)
remote: Compressing objects:  97% (33/34)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (34/34)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (34/34), done.
remote: Total 50 (delta 21), reused 27 (delta 15), pack-reused 1
 * branch  3.12   -> FETCH_HE

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows11 Non-Debug 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: ware-win11

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Andrew Rogers <>, Justin 
Williams <>, Sam Gross 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "b:\uildarea\3.x.ware-win11.nondebug\build\Lib\test\", line 
744, in test_denial_of_service_prevented_str_to_int
self.assertLessEqual(seconds_to_fail_extra_huge, seconds_to_convert/2)
AssertionError: 0.015625 not less than or equal to 0.0078125

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_int

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker ambv-bb-win11 missing

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named ambv-bb-win11 went away.

It last disconnected at Fri Feb  2 16:14:48 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Lukasz Langa 


Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL Refleaks 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Mark Shannon 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 2241, in wrap_conn
self.sslconn = self.server.context.wrap_socket(
self.sock, server_side=True)

line 455, in wrap_socket
return self.sslsocket_class._create(
...<5 lines>...
line 1071, in _create
line 1354, in do_handshake
 ssl.SSLError: [SSL: NO_SHARED_CIPHER] no shared cipher (_ssl.c:1032)

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 2241, in wrap_conn
self.sslconn = self.server.context.wrap_socket(
self.sock, server_side=True)

line 455, in wrap_socket
return self.sslsocket_class._create(
...<5 lines>...
line 1071, in _create
line 1354, in do_handshake
 ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate 
verify failed: self-signed certificate (_ssl.c:1032)

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 2241, in wrap_conn
self.sslconn = self.server.context.wrap_socket(
self.sock, server_side=True)

line 455, in wrap_socket
return self.sslsocket_class._create(
...<5 lines>...
line 1071, in _create
line 1354, in do_handshake
 ssl.SSLError: [SSL: DECRYPTION_FAILED_OR_BAD_RECORD_MAC] decryption failed or 
bad record mac (_ssl.c:1032)
 server:  new connection from ('', 48084)
 server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305', 'TLSv1.2', 
 server:  new connection from ('', 50240)
 server: connection cipher is now ('ECDHE-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305', 'TLSv1.2', 

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 2241, in wrap_conn
self.sslconn = self.server.context.wrap_socket(
self.sock, server_side=True)

line 455, in wrap_socket
return self.sslsocket_class._create(
...<5 lines>...

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker ambv-bb-win11 missing

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named ambv-bb-win11 went away.

It last disconnected at Fri Feb  2 13:25:07 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Lukasz Langa 


Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (3.12)

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows11 Non-Debug 
3.12 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: ware-win11

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Miss Islington (bot) 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "b:\uildarea\3.12.ware-win11.nondebug\build\Lib\test\", line 
743, in test_denial_of_service_prevented_str_to_int
self.assertLessEqual(seconds_to_fail_extra_huge, seconds_to_convert/2)
AssertionError: 0.015625 not less than or equal to 0.0078125

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "b:\uildarea\3.12.ware-win11.nondebug\build\Lib\test\", line 
732, in test_denial_of_service_prevented_str_to_int
self.assertLessEqual(seconds_to_fail_huge, seconds_to_convert/2)
AssertionError: 0.015625 not less than or equal to 0.0078125

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_int

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Buildbot failure in on ofbizTrunkFrameworkPlugins

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
Build status: BUILD FAILED: failed Codenarc copied. (failure)
Worker used: bb_worker4_ubuntu
Blamelist: Michael Brohl , Michael Brohl 

Build Text: failed Codenarc copied. (failure)
Status Detected: new failure
Build Source Stamp: [branch trunk] 625b80dbc626db35dddbaa62057e34b20ae7c38c


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  pullAllPluginsSource: 0

  build: 0

  check: 0

  Copy checkstyle to destination directory structure: 0

  Copy codenarc to destination directory structure: 2

  clean things: 0

-- ASF Buildbot

Buildbot success in on ofbizTrunkFramework

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build succeeded!
Worker used: bb_worker4_ubuntu
Blamelist: Michael Brohl 
Build Text: build successful
Status Detected: restored build
Build Source Stamp: [branch trunk] a2f3ec88309f8440fe65b227ff3fc2df279dde24


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  build: 0

  loadAll: 0

  testIntegration: 0

  Copy tests results: 0

  Rsync tests-results to 0

-- ASF Buildbot

Buildbot failure in on ofbizTrunkFramework

2024-02-02 Thread buildbot
Build status: BUILD FAILED: failed './gradlew --no-daemon ...' (failure)
Worker used: bb_worker4_ubuntu
Blamelist: Michael Brohl 
Build Text: failed './gradlew --no-daemon ...' (failure)
Status Detected: new failure
Build Source Stamp: [branch trunk] a2f3ec88309f8440fe65b227ff3fc2df279dde24


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  build: 0

  loadAll: 0

  testIntegration: 2

-- ASF Buildbot

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-01 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL Refleaks 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Donghee Na , Mark Shannon , 
Oleg Iarygin , Sam Gross 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 50, in test_interpreter_shutdown
self.assertEqual(out.strip(), b"apple")
AssertionError: b'' != b'apple'

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 314, in _bootstrap
 line 108, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 5290, in child
 line 105, in join_process
 line 116, in join_thread
raise AssertionError(msg)
AssertionError: failed to join the thread in 30.0 seconds

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 69, in test_map_timeout
self.assertEqual([None, None], results)
AssertionError: Lists differ: [None, None] != []

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 5137, in test_wait_integer
self.assertLess(delta, expected + 2)
AssertionError: 5.637503864243627 not less than 5

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 17, in test_all
 line 316, in run_test_script
raise AssertionError(f"{name} failed")
AssertionError: script failed

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 535, in test_flock
self._lock(fcntl.flock, "flock")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.0 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 532, in test_lockf
self._lock(fcntl.lockf, "lockf")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.1 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 532, in test_lockf
self._lock(fcntl.lockf, "lockf")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.4 sec

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_eintr

Failed subtests:

- test_lockf - __main__.FNTLEINTRTest.test_lockf
- test_interpreter_shutdown - 

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker pablogsal-macos-m1 missing

2024-02-01 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named pablogsal-macos-m1 went away.

It last disconnected at Thu Feb  1 19:38:56 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was pablogsal

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Buildbot failure in on tomcat-8.5.x

2024-02-01 Thread buildbot
Build status: BUILD FAILED: failed compile (failure)
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: Christopher Schultz , remm 

Build Text: failed compile (failure)
Status Detected: new failure
Build Source Stamp: [branch 8.5.x] 63ced512958556c7b6d7bfc60740648cecd0020d


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  compile: 2

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-01 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL Refleaks 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 5137, in test_wait_integer
self.assertLess(delta, expected + 2)
AssertionError: 5.065399097278714 not less than 5

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 314, in _bootstrap
 line 108, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 5290, in child
 line 105, in join_process
 line 116, in join_thread
raise AssertionError(msg)
AssertionError: failed to join the thread in 30.0 seconds

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 314, in _bootstrap
 line 108, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 5290, in child
 line 105, in join_process
 line 116, in join_thread
raise AssertionError(msg)
AssertionError: failed to join the thread in 30.0 seconds
Process Process-236:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 314, in _bootstrap
 line 108, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
 line 5290, in child
 line 105, in join_process
 line 116, in join_thread
raise AssertionError(msg)
AssertionError: failed to join the thread in 30.0 seconds

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 17, in test_all
 line 316, in run_test_script
raise AssertionError(f"{name} failed")
AssertionError: script failed

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 532, in test_lockf
self._lock(fcntl.lockf, "lockf")

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-02-01 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 535, in test_flock
self._lock(fcntl.flock, "flock")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.0 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 532, in test_lockf
self._lock(fcntl.lockf, "lockf")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.2 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
Warning --   File 
 line 198, in _force_run
Warning -- return func(*args)
Warning --^^^
Warning -- OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: 
Warning -- 
Warning -- During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Warning -- 
Warning -- Traceback (most recent call last):
Warning --   File 
 line 389, in run
Warning -- mp_result = self._runtest(test_name)
Warning -- ~^^^
Warning --   File 
 line 349, in _runtest
Warning -- retcode, tmp_files = self.run_tmp_files(worker_runtests,
Warning --  ~~^
Warning -- stdout_file.fileno())
Warning -- ^
Warning --   File 
 line 289, in run_tmp_files
Warning -- os_helper.rmtree(tmp_dir)
Warning -- ^
Warning --   File 
 line 448, in rmtree
Warning -- _rmtree(path)
Warning -- ~~~^^
Warning --   File 
 line 432, in _rmtree
Warning -- _rmtree_inner(path)
Warning -- ~^^
Warning --   File 
 line 428, in _rmtree_inner
Warning -- _rmtree_inner(fullname)
Warning -- ~^^
Warning --   File 
 line 428, in _rmtree_inner
Warning -- _rmtree_inner(fullname)
Warning -- ~^^
Warning --   File 
 line 428, in _rmtree_inner
Warning -- _rmtree_inner(fullname)
Warning -- ~^^
Warning --   [Previous line repeated 1 more time]
Warning --   File 
 line 429, in _rmtree_inner
Warning -- _force_run(path, os.rmdir, fullname)
Warning -- ~~^^
Warning --   File 
 line 209, in _force_run
Warning -- return func(*args)
Warning --^^^
Warning -- OSError: [Errno 39] Directory not empty: 
Kill  process group
process group
Kill  process 
process group
Kill  process group
process group
Kill  process group
process group
process group

Traceback (mo

svn commit: r1085331 [1/2] - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: ./ cache/

2024-01-31 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Thu Feb  1 05:12:20 2024
New Revision: 1085331

Production update by buildbot for tapestry


Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/beaneditform-faq.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/beaneditform-faq.html (original)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/beaneditform-faq.html Thu Feb  1 
05:12:20 2024
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@
 BeanEditFormMain Article: BeanEditForm GuideContents/*<![CDATA[*/
-div.rbtoc1705421533209 {padding: 0px;}
-div.rbtoc1705421533209 ul {margin-left: 0px;}
-div.rbtoc1705421533209 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1706764323399 {padding: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1706764323399 ul {margin-left: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1706764323399 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;}
 do I get exceptions about instantiating a bean when using 
 the difference between BeanEditor and BeanEditForm?How do I 
customize the layout of the BeanEditForm?
 do I get exceptions about instantiating a bean when using 
BeanEditForm?When you render a BeanEditForm, or when the rendered form 
is submitted, Tapestry must instantiate an instance of the object to be edited. 
This occurs when the BeanEditForm's object parameter is bound to 
null: Tapestry instantiates an instance of the property type so that the 
BeanEditForm has an object to read default values from, or to push submitted 
values into.By default, this uses the standard injection mechanism, which means that 
Tapestry will identify the public constructor with the most parameters, and 
attempt to find objects and other objects for each constructor 
parameter.There's two ways to fine tune this so you don't get 
errors:Place an @
 /tapestry5/ioc/annotations/Inject.html">Inject annotation on the correct 
constructor to use (often, the constructor with no parameters).
 public class MyBean {

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/component-events-faq.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/component-events-faq.html (original)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/component-events-faq.html Thu Feb  1 
05:12:20 2024
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@
 Component EventsMain Article: 
Component EventsContents/*<![CDATA[*/
-div.rbtoc1705421531460 {padding: 0px;}
-div.rbtoc1705421531460 ul {margin-left: 0px;}
-div.rbtoc1705421531460 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1706764322482 {padding: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1706764322482 ul {margin-left: 0px;}
+div.rbtoc1706764322482 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;}
 does Tapestry send a redirect after a form is submitted?I
 specified a zone in my ActionLink/EventLink, so why doesn't my event fire via 
ajax (request.isXHR() is false)?
does Tapestry send a redirect after a form is submitted?This is an 
extension of the; 
rel="nofollow">Post/Redirect/Get approach. It ensures that after an 
operation that updates server-side state, such as a form submission, if the 
user resubmits the resulting page, the operation is not 
performed a second time; instead just the results of the operation, reflecting 
the changed server-side state, is re-rendered.This has the unwanted 
requirement that any data needed to render the response must persist between 
the event request (the form submission) and the render request; this often 
means that fields must be annotated with @http://tapestry.apache.o

svn commit: r1085331 [2/2] - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: ./ cache/

2024-01-31 Thread buildbot
Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/release-notes-53.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/release-notes-53.html (original)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/release-notes-53.html Thu Feb  1 
05:12:20 2024
@@ -143,11 +143,11 @@
 This is the 
consolidated list of changes between Tapestry versions 5.2 and 5.3. To upgrade 
from 5.2 to 5.3, most users who are not using deprecated features will be able 
to just update the Maven dependency in their POM file (or download the new JAR file) and the new version 
will just work. However, please read carefully below before upgrading, and also 
review theHow to Upgrade 
 Breaking ChangesNew FeaturesSub-tasks CompletedBugs FixedImprovements MadeNew Features 
ChangesTapestry now depends on Servlet API version 2.5 
(prior releases worked with 2.4).Tapestry no longer supports the ability 
to inject the component id into a String field. This was rarely (if ever) used 
functionality that caused unwanted conflicts elsewhere. When a component needs 
to know its component id, it may inject the;>ComponentResources
 object, and invoke getCompleteId().Tapestry templates 
without a !DOCTYPE are treated a bit differently in Tapestry 5.3; they 
are treated as if they have the HTML5 doctype (!DOCTYPE 
html). See further notes about component templates.Many classes and 
interfaces that were deprecated in prior releases of Tapestry have been removed 
in Tapestry 5.3.
  See;>the full list. As 
always, you should use your IDE to find and replace all deprecated items 
before you upgrade. The following are the most significant of 
these:@IncludeJavaScriptLibrary and @IncludeStylesheet annotations 
(replaced by @;>Import)@ApplicationState
 annotation (replaced with @;>SessionState)"validateForm"
 event triggered by Form component (replaced with "validate" 
event)Code and constants related to page poolingIn 
addition, some of the abstract base classes used with the tapestry-func library 
have changed into interfaces; you will want to recompile, but may also need to 
adjust your code,
  depending on your compiler settings and use of the standard Java @Override 
annotation.Because of the upgrade to Prototype 1.7, existing JavaScript 
that uses value.toJSON() may break; replace with 
Object.toJSON(value).Some number of interfaces and APIs in 
Tapestry 5.3 will be removed in Tapestry 5.4 or later. These 
 environmental (replaced with the;>JavaScriptSupport
 object, replaced with
 esponseRenderer.html">AjaxResponseRendererClassFactory service 
and ClassFab interface (replaced with the;>PlasticProxyFactory
 service and;>PlasticClass
 interface)The "suppress redirects" functionality, which allows 
component event requests to respond directly with HTML, as in Tapestry 
4.New FeaturesUnderscore.jsTapestry now bundles; 
rel="nofollow">Underscore.js, a useful library for expressive functional 
programming in the browser. It is used in no conflict mode, made 
available as the T5._ object.User AlertsTapestry now has a central mechanism for handling user 
alerts; this includes the AlertManager service and the Alerts component. Just 
add an Alerts component to your application's standard layout component and 
Tapestry takes care of the rest. Alerts can be added during both traditional 
and Ajax requests, and may be transient (displayed for a few seconds), normal, 
or sticky (persist until the user expressly dismisses them). Alerts support 
three severities: info, warn(ing) and error; the look and feel can be 
customized by overriding Tapestry's default 

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-31 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows Server 2022 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-win64-srv-22-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Barney Gale , Brandt Bucher 
, Brett Cannon , Daniel Hollas 
, Diego Russo , Erlend E. Aasland 
, Kirill Podoprigora , Matt Prodani 
, Serhiy Storchaka , Skip Montanaro 
, Terry Jan Reedy 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 19, done.
remote: Counting objects:   5% (1/18)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (2/18)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (3/18)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (4/18)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (5/18)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (6/18)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (7/18)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (8/18)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (9/18)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (10/18)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (11/18)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (12/18)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (13/18)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (14/18)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (15/18)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (16/18)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (17/18)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18/18)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   6% (1/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  12% (2/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  18% (3/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (4/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  31% (5/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  37% (6/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  43% (7/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (8/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  56% (9/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  62% (10/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  68% (11/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (12/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  81% (13/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  87% (14/16)
remote: Compressing objects:  93% (15/16)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
remote: Total 19 (delta 5), reused 2 (delta 2), pack-reused 1
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '5e390a0fc825f21952beb158e2bda3c5e007fac9'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 5e390a0fc8 gh-109653: Speedup import of threading module 
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

Could Not Find 
The system cannot find the file specified.
Could Not Find 

Could Not Find 

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_capi

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-31 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL Refleaks 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Serhiy Storchaka , Skip Montanaro 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 69, in test_map_timeout
self.assertEqual([None, None], results)
AssertionError: Lists differ: [None, None] != []

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 892, in test_forkserver_sigkill
 line 882, in check_forkserver_death
AssertionError: False is not true

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 535, in test_flock
self._lock(fcntl.flock, "flock")
 line 517, in _lock
raise Exception("failed to sync child in %.1f sec" % dt)
Exception: failed to sync child in 300.0 sec

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 17, in test_all
 line 316, in run_test_script
raise AssertionError(f"{name} failed")
AssertionError: script failed

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_concurrent_futures.test_process_pool

Failed subtests:

- test_flock - __main__.FNTLEINTRTest.test_flock
- test_all - test.test_eintr.EINTRTests.test_all
- test_forkserver_sigkill - 
- test_map_timeout - 
- test_map_timeout - 

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Barney Gale , Brandt Bucher 
, Brett Cannon , Daniel Hollas 
, Diego Russo , Dino Viehland 
, Erlend E. Aasland , Eugene Toder 
, Hugo van Kemenade 
<>, Kirill Podoprigora 
, Matt Prodani , Pablo Galindo Salgado 
, Serhiy Storchaka , Skip Montanaro 
, Terry Jan Reedy 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 20, done.
remote: Counting objects:   5% (1/20)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (2/20)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (3/20)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (4/20)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (5/20)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (6/20)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (7/20)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (8/20)
remote: Counting objects:  45% (9/20)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (10/20)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (11/20)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (12/20)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (13/20)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (14/20)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (15/20)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (16/20)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (17/20)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (18/20)
remote: Counting objects:  95% (19/20)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (20/20)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (20/20), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   5% (1/20)
remote: Compressing obje

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (424df31f00e2106eab6b8e747fc4695b00787fe5)

2024-01-30 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder s390x RHEL7 Refleaks 3.12 
while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: edelsohn-rhel-z

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 52, done.
remote: Counting objects:   1% (1/52)
remote: Counting objects:   3% (2/52)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (3/52)
remote: Counting objects:   7% (4/52)
remote: Counting objects:   9% (5/52)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (6/52)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (7/52)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (8/52)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (9/52)
remote: Counting objects:  19% (10/52)
remote: Counting objects:  21% (11/52)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (12/52)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (13/52)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (14/52)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (15/52)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (16/52)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (17/52)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (18/52)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (19/52)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (20/52)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (21/52)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (22/52)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (23/52)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (24/52)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (25/52)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (26/52)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (27/52)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (28/52)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (29/52)
remote: Counting objects:  57% (30/52)
remote: Counting objects:  59% (31/52)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (32/52)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (33/52)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (34/52)
remote: Counting objects:  67% (35/52)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (36/52)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (37/52)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (38/52)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (39/52)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (40/52)
remote: Counting objects:  78% (41/52)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (42/52)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (43/52)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (44/52)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (45/52)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (46/52)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (47/52)
remote: Counting objects:  92% (48/52)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (49/52)
remote: Counting objects:  96% (50/52)
remote: Counting objects:  98% (51/52)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (52/52)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (52/52), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   2% (1/36)
remote: Compressing objects:   5% (2/36)
remote: Compressing objects:   8% (3/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (4/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  13% (5/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  16% (6/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  19% (7/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  22% (8/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (9/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  27% (10/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  30% (11/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (12/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  36% (13/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  38% (14/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  41% (15/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  44% (16/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  47% (17/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (18/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  52% (19/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  55% (20/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  58% (21/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  61% (22/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  63% (23/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (24/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  69% (25/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  72% (26/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (27/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  77% (28/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  80% (29/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  83% (30/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  86% (31/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (32/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  91% (33/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  94% (34/36)
remote: Compressing objects:  97% (35/36)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (36/36)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (36/36), done.
remote: Total 52 (delta 26), reused 34 (delta 16), pack-reused 0
 * branch3.12   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: checking out 'FETCH_HEAD'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git ch

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-30 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows Server 2022 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-win64-srv-22-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Barney Gale , Brandt Bucher 
, Kirill Podoprigora , Matt 
Prodani , Serhiy Storchaka , Skip Montanaro 
, Terry Jan Reedy 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 27, done.
remote: Counting objects:   3% (1/27)
remote: Counting objects:   7% (2/27)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (3/27)
remote: Counting objects:  14% (4/27)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (5/27)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (6/27)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (7/27)
remote: Counting objects:  29% (8/27)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (9/27)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (10/27)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (11/27)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (12/27)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (13/27)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (14/27)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (15/27)
remote: Counting objects:  59% (16/27)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (17/27)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (18/27)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (19/27)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (20/27)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (21/27)
remote: Counting objects:  81% (22/27)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (23/27)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (24/27)
remote: Counting objects:  92% (25/27)
remote: Counting objects:  96% (26/27)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (27/27)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (27/27), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (1/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  22% (2/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (3/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  44% (4/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  55% (5/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (6/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  77% (7/9)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (8/9)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 16 (delta 13), reused 10 (delta 7), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'dc4cd2c9ba60e2ee7e534e2f6e93c4c135df23b9'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at dc4cd2c9ba gh-106392: Fix inconsistency in deprecation warnings 
in datetime module (GH-114761)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

Could Not Find 
The system cannot find the file specified.
Could Not Find 

Could Not Find 

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_capi

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-30 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows Server 2022 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-win64-srv-22-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Barney Gale , Eugene Toder 
, Hugo van Kemenade 
<>, Pablo Galindo Salgado 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 25, done.
remote: Counting objects:   4% (1/24)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (2/24)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (3/24)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (4/24)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (5/24)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (6/24)
remote: Counting objects:  29% (7/24)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (8/24)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (9/24)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (10/24)
remote: Counting objects:  45% (11/24)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (12/24)
remote: Counting objects:  54% (13/24)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (14/24)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (15/24)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (16/24)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (17/24)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (18/24)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (19/24)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (20/24)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (21/24)
remote: Counting objects:  91% (22/24)
remote: Counting objects:  95% (23/24)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (24/24)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (24/24), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   5% (1/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (2/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  16% (3/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  22% (4/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  27% (5/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (6/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  38% (7/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  44% (8/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (9/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  55% (10/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  61% (11/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (12/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  72% (13/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  77% (14/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  83% (15/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (16/18)
remote: Compressing objects:  94% (17/18)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Total 25 (delta 6), reused 11 (delta 6), pack-reused 1
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to '39d102c2ee8eec8ab0bacbcd62d62a72742ecc7c'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 39d102c2ee gh-113744: Add a new IncompleteInputError exception 
to improve incomplete input detection in the codeop module (#113745)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

Could Not Find 
The system cannot find the file specified.
Could Not Find 

Could Not Find 

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_capi

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-30 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL Refleaks 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Barney Gale 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 2241, in wrap_conn
self.sslconn = self.server.context.wrap_socket(
self.sock, server_side=True)

line 455, in wrap_socket
return self.sslsocket_class._create(
...<5 lines>...
line 1071, in _create
line 1354, in do_handshake
 ssl.SSLError: [SSL: NO_SHARED_CIPHER] no shared cipher (_ssl.c:1032)

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 2326, in run
msg =
 line 2303, in read
line 1132, in read
 ssl.SSLError: [SSL: PEER_DID_NOT_RETURN_A_CERTIFICATE] peer did not return a 
certificate (_ssl.c:2592)
TLS: (, 'read', , <_TLSContentType.ALERT: 21>, 
<_TLSAlertType.CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED: 116>, b'\x02t')

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 2241, in wrap_conn
self.sslconn = self.server.context.wrap_socket(
self.sock, server_side=True)

line 455, in wrap_socket
return self.sslsocket_class._create(
...<5 lines>...
line 1071, in _create
line 1354, in do_handshake
 ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate 
verify failed: self-signed certificate (_ssl.c:1032)

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 2241, in wrap_conn
self.sslconn = self.server.context.wrap_socket(
self.sock, server_side=True)

line 455, in wrap_socket
return self.sslsocket_class._create(
...<5 lines>...
line 1071, in _create
line 1354, in do_handshake
 ssl.SSLError: [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_CERTIFICATE] sslv3 alert bad certificate 

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 2326, in run
msg =

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-29 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows Server 2022 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-win64-srv-22-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Dino Viehland , Erlend E. Aasland 
, Hugo van Kemenade 
<>, Matan Perelman 
, Nikita Sobolev , Petr Viktorin 
, Serhiy Storchaka , Skip Montanaro 
, Soumendra Ganguly 
<>, Steven Ward 
, mpage 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 86, in test_wmi_query_threads
self.assertRegex(t.result(), "ProcessId=")
 line 449, in result
return self.__get_result()
 line 401, in __get_result
raise self._exception
 line 58, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
 line 16, in wmi_exec_query
return _wmi.exec_query(query)
BrokenPipeError: [WinError -2147024664] The pipe is being closed

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_capi

Failed subtests:

- test_wmi_query_threads - test.test_wmi.WmiTests.test_wmi_query_threads

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (f7c05d7ad3075a1dbeed86b6b12903032e4afba6)

2024-01-29 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder s390x Fedora Refleaks 3.x 
while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: edelsohn-fedora-z

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 30, done.
remote: Counting objects:   3% (1/29)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (2/29)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (3/29)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (4/29)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (5/29)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (6/29)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (7/29)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (8/29)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (9/29)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (10/29)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (11/29)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (12/29)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (13/29)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (14/29)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (15/29)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (16/29)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (17/29)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (18/29)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (19/29)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (20/29)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (21/29)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (22/29)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (23/29)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (24/29)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (25/29)
remote: Counting objects:  89% (26/29)
remote: Counting objects:  93% (27/29)
remote: Counting objects:  96% (28/29)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (29/29)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (29/29), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   4% (1/24)
remote: Compressing objects:   8% (2/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  12% (3/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  16% (4/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  20% (5/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (6/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  29% (7/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  33% (8/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  37% (9/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  41% (10/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  45% (11/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (12/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  54% (13/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  58% (14/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  62% (15/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  66% (16/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  70% (17/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (18/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  79% (19/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  83% (20/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  87% (21/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  91% (22/24)
remote: Compressing objects:  95% (23/24)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (24/24)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (24/24), done.
remote: Total 30 (delta 7), reused 15 (delta 5), pack-reused 1
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'FETCH_HEAD'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at f7c05d7ad3 gh-55664: Add warning when creating a type using a 
namespace dictionary with non-string keys. (GH-105338)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

make: *** [Makefile:2097: buildbottest] Error 2

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_functools

Test leaking resources:

- test_functools: memory blocks

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-29 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows Server 2022 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-win64-srv-22-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Barney Gale , Bhushan Mohanraj 
<>, Charlie Zhao 
, Furkan Onder , Hugo van 
Kemenade <>, Neil Schemenauer 
, NewUserHa 
<>, Nikita Sobolev 
, Sergey B Kirpichev , Serhiy Storchaka 
, Shantanu 
<>, Skip Montanaro 
, Stanley 
<>, Ville Skyttä 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 26, in test_wmi_query_os_version
r = wmi_exec_query("SELECT Version FROM Win32_OperatingSystem").split("\0")
 line 16, in wmi_exec_query
return _wmi.exec_query(query)
BrokenPipeError: [WinError -2147024664] The pipe is being closed

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_capi

Failed subtests:

- test_wmi_query_os_version - test.test_wmi.WmiTests.test_wmi_query_os_version

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (3.12)

2024-01-29 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder s390x Fedora Rawhide Clang 
Installed 3.12 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: edelsohn-fedora-rawhide-z

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Erlend E. Aasland , Hugo van Kemenade 
<>, Miss Islington (bot) 
<>, Petr Viktorin 
, Steve Dower 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 283, done.
remote: Counting objects:   0% (1/177)
remote: Counting objects:   1% (2/177)
remote: Counting objects:   2% (4/177)
remote: Counting objects:   3% (6/177)
remote: Counting objects:   4% (8/177)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (9/177)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (11/177)
remote: Counting objects:   7% (13/177)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (15/177)
remote: Counting objects:   9% (16/177)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (18/177)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (20/177)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (22/177)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (24/177)
remote: Counting objects:  14% (25/177)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (27/177)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (29/177)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (31/177)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (32/177)
remote: Counting objects:  19% (34/177)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (36/177)
remote: Counting objects:  21% (38/177)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (39/177)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (41/177)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (43/177)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (45/177)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (47/177)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (48/177)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (50/177)
remote: Counting objects:  29% (52/177)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (54/177)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (55/177)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (57/177)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (59/177)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (61/177)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (62/177)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (64/177)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (66/177)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (68/177)
remote: Counting objects:  39% (70/177)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (71/177)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (73/177)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (75/177)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (77/177)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (78/177)
remote: Counting objects:  45% (80/177)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (82/177)
remote: Counting objects:  47% (84/177)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (85/177)
remote: Counting objects:  49% (87/177)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (89/177)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (91/177)
remote: Counting objects:  52% (93/177)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (94/177)
remote: Counting objects:  54% (96/177)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (98/177)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (100/177)
remote: Counting objects:  57% (101/177)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (103/177)
remote: Counting objects:  59% (105/177)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (107/177)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (108/177)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (110/177)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (112/177)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (114/177)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (116/177)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (117/177)
remote: Counting objects:  67% (119/177)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (121/177)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (123/177)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (124/177)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (126/177)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (128/177)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (130/177)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (131/177)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (133/177)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (135/177)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (137/177)
remote: Counting objects:  78% (139/177)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (140/177)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (142/177)
remote: Counting objects:  81% (144/177)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (146/177)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (147/177)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (149/177)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (151/177)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (153/177)
remote: Counting 

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (3.11)

2024-01-29 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder ARM64 macOS 3.11 while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: pablogsal-macos-m1

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Hugo van Kemenade <>, Miss 
Islington (bot) <>, Nikita 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 5053, in test_preauth_data_to_tls_server
 line 5000, in non_linux_skip_if_other_okay_error'wrong.version.number', getattr(err, "reason", ""), re.I)):
 line 176, in search
return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object, got 'NoneType'

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_ssl

Failed subtests:

- test_preauth_data_to_tls_server - 

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-28 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Ubuntu NoGIL 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-ubuntu-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Aiden Fox Ivey , Barney Gale 
, Charlie Zhao , Eric Snow 
, Erlend E. Aasland , Hugo van 
Kemenade <>, Neil Schemenauer 
, NewUserHa 
<>, Nikita Sobolev 
, Sergey B Kirpichev , Serhiy Storchaka 
, Steve Dower , Tristan Pank 
, Ville Skyttä 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 6, done.
remote: Counting objects:  16% (1/6)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (2/6)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (3/6)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (4/6)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (5/6)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (1/4)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (2/4)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (3/4)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 6 (delta 2), reused 2 (delta 2), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'a768e12f094a9b14a9a1680fb50330e1050716c4'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at a768e12f09 Use bool in fileinput.input() docstring and tests for 
the inplace argument (GH-111998)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

make: *** [Makefile:2099: buildbottest] Error 2

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_capi
- test_tools
- test_tokenize

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-27 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows Server 2022 
NoGIL 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: itamaro-win64-srv-22-aws

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Barney Gale , Neil Schemenauer 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 16, in wmi_exec_query
return _wmi.exec_query(query)
OSError: [WinError 258] The wait operation timed out

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 86, in test_wmi_query_threads
self.assertRegex(t.result(), "ProcessId=")
 line 456, in result
return self.__get_result()
 line 401, in __get_result
raise self._exception
 line 58, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
 line 21, in wmi_exec_query
return _wmi.exec_query(query)
OSError: [WinError 258] The wait operation timed out

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_capi

Failed subtests:

- test_wmi_query_threads - test.test_wmi.WmiTests.test_wmi_query_threads

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (841eacd07646e643f87d7f063106633a25315910)

2024-01-26 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder AMD64 Windows11 Refleaks 3.x 
while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: ware-win11

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 50, in test_interpreter_shutdown
self.assertEqual(out.strip(), b"apple")
AssertionError: b'' != b'apple'

Test report

Failed tests:

- test.test_concurrent_futures.test_shutdown

Failed subtests:

- test_interpreter_shutdown - 

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 RHEL8 
Refleaks 3.x while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-RHEL8-aarch64

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 52, in test_builtin_dict
orig_counter + 1,
AssertionError: 17982955955851100165 != 281470681743365

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 52, in test_builtin_dict
orig_counter + 1,
AssertionError: 11932717147534393349 != 281470681743365

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_optimizer

Failed subtests:

- test_builtin_dict - 

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker kulikjak-solaris-sparcv9 missing

2024-01-26 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named kulikjak-solaris-sparcv9 went away.

It last disconnected at Fri Jan 26 11:30:10 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Jakub Kulik 

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (279bbd2134c1cd56bfcf525b61b76d86e4e3b26b)

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder s390x RHEL7 Refleaks 3.11 
while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: edelsohn-rhel-z

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 4047, in test___all__
support.check__all__(self,, self.name_of_module,
 line 1474, in check__all__
test_case.assertCountEqual(module.__all__, expected)
AssertionError: Element counts were not equal:
First has 0, Second has 1:  'OpenWrapper'

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_typing
- test_io

Failed subtests:

- test___all__ - test.test_io.CMiscIOTest.test___all__
- test___all__ - test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest.test___all__

Test leaking resources:

- test_typing: memory blocks

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker linaro-win-arm64 missing

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named linaro-win-arm64 went away.

It last disconnected at Thu Jan 25 21:03:41 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Windows on Arm 
Linaro team 

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker edelsohn-fedora-ppc64 missing

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named edelsohn-fedora-ppc64 went away.

It last disconnected at Thu Jan 25 21:03:37 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was David Edelsohn 


Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Buildbot success in on tomcat-10.1.x

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
Build status: Build succeeded!
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: Mark Thomas , remm 
Build Text: build successful
Status Detected: restored build
Build Source Stamp: [branch 10.1.x] 2803dd3029077b6182d3d806ac153a176f9b5cec


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  compile: 1

  shell_6: 0

  shell_7: 0

  shell_8: 0

  shell_9: 0

  Rsync docs to 0

  shell_10: 0

  Rsync RAT to 0

  compile_1: 1

  shell_11: 0

  Rsync Logs to 0

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (main)

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora Stable LTO 
3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-stable-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Michael Droettboom 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 69, in test_func_modification
orig_counter + 1,

AssertionError: 281470681743366 != 6

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_optimizer

Failed subtests:

- test_func_modification - 

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 
CentOS9 LTO 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-CentOS9-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Michael Droettboom 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 69, in test_func_modification
orig_counter + 1,

AssertionError: 281470681743366 != 6

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_optimizer

Failed subtests:

- test_func_modification - 

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 Fedora 
Rawhide LTO 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-rawhide-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Michael Droettboom 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 69, in test_func_modification
orig_counter + 1,

AssertionError: 281470681743366 != 6

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_optimizer

Failed subtests:

- test_func_modification - 

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 RHEL8 
LTO 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-RHEL8-aarch64

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Michael Droettboom 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 69, in test_func_modification
orig_counter + 1,

AssertionError: 281470681743366 != 6

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_optimizer

Failed subtests:

- test_func_modification - 

 -The BuildbotThe Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder aarch64 
CentOS9 LTO +

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker pablogsal-arch-x86_64 missing

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named pablogsal-arch-x86_64 went away.

It last disconnected at Thu Jan 25 12:03:02 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was pablogsal

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker linaro-win-arm64 missing

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named linaro-win-arm64 went away.

It last disconnected at Thu Jan 25 12:03:02 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Windows on Arm 
Linaro team 

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker pablogsal-macos-m1 missing

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named pablogsal-macos-m1 went away.

It last disconnected at Thu Jan 25 12:03:01 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was pablogsal

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker edelsohn-fedora-ppc64 missing

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named edelsohn-fedora-ppc64 went away.

It last disconnected at Thu Jan 25 12:02:58 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was David Edelsohn 


Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

Buildbot failure in on tomcat-10.1.x

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
Build status: BUILD FAILED: failed compile (failure)
Worker used: bb_worker2_ubuntu
Blamelist: remm 
Build Text: failed compile (failure)
Status Detected: new failure
Build Source Stamp: [branch 10.1.x] 98d08824f4b254653d461274ea833a27f3f78f32


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  shell: 0

  shell_1: 0

  shell_2: 0

  shell_3: 0

  shell_4: 0

  shell_5: 0

  compile: 1

  shell_6: 0

  shell_7: 0

  shell_8: 0

  shell_9: 0

  Rsync docs to 0

  shell_10: 0

  Rsync RAT to 0

  compile_1: 2

  shell_11: 0

  Rsync Logs to 0

-- ASF Buildbot

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed 'make pythoninfo' (failure) test (failure) uploading test-results.xml (failure) (main)

2024-01-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder wasm32-wasi 3.x while 
building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: bcannon-wasi

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Michael Droettboom 

BUILD FAILED: failed 'make pythoninfo' (failure) test (failure) uploading 
test-results.xml (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

Cloning into '.'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1005191, done.
remote: Counting objects:   0% (1/558)
remote: Counting objects:   1% (6/558)
remote: Counting objects:   2% (12/558)
remote: Counting objects:   3% (17/558)
remote: Counting objects:   4% (23/558)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (28/558)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (34/558)
remote: Counting objects:   7% (40/558)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (45/558)
remote: Counting objects:   9% (51/558)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (56/558)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (62/558)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (67/558)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (73/558)
remote: Counting objects:  14% (79/558)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (84/558)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (90/558)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (95/558)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (101/558)
remote: Counting objects:  19% (107/558)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (112/558)
remote: Counting objects:  21% (118/558)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (123/558)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (129/558)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (134/558)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (140/558)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (146/558)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (151/558)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (157/558)
remote: Counting objects:  29% (162/558)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (168/558)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (173/558)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (179/558)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (185/558)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (190/558)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (196/558)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (201/558)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (207/558)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (213/558)
remote: Counting objects:  39% (218/558)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (224/558)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (229/558)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (235/558)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (240/558)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (246/558)
remote: Counting objects:  45% (252/558)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (257/558)
remote: Counting objects:  47% (263/558)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (268/558)
remote: Counting objects:  49% (274/558)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (279/558)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (285/558)
remote: Counting objects:  52% (291/558)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (296/558)
remote: Counting objects:  54% (302/558)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (307/558)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (313/558)
remote: Counting objects:  57% (319/558)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (324/558)
remote: Counting objects:  59% (330/558)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (335/558)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (341/558)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (346/558)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (352/558)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (358/558)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (363/558)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (369/558)
remote: Counting objects:  67% (374/558)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (380/558)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (386/558)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (391/558)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (397/558)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (402/558)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (408/558)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (413/558)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (419/558)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (425/558)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (430/558)
remote: Counting objects:  78% (436/558)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (441/558)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (447/558)
remote: Counting objects:  81% (452/558)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (458/558)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (464/558)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (469/558)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (475/558)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (480/558)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (486/558)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (492/558)

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker edelsohn-fedora-ppc64 missing

2024-01-23 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named edelsohn-fedora-ppc64 went away.

It last disconnected at Wed Jan 24 02:37:17 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was David Edelsohn 


Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (timed out) (666d07f241970482f17dc4bf7a5dff737d9b8357)

2024-01-23 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder s390x Fedora Rawhide 
Refleaks 3.11 while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: edelsohn-fedora-rawhide-z

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure) (timed out)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 4047, in test___all__
support.check__all__(self,, self.name_of_module,
 line 1474, in check__all__
test_case.assertCountEqual(module.__all__, expected)
AssertionError: Element counts were not equal:
First has 0, Second has 1:  'OpenWrapper'

Test report

Failed tests:

- test_io
- test_posix

Failed subtests:

- test___all__ - test.test_io.CMiscIOTest.test___all__
- test___all__ - test.test_io.PyMiscIOTest.test___all__

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker pablogsal-arch-x86_64 missing

2024-01-23 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named pablogsal-arch-x86_64 went away.

It last disconnected at Tue Jan 23 23:36:01 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was pablogsal

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker pablogsal-macos-m1 missing

2024-01-23 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named pablogsal-macos-m1 went away.

It last disconnected at Tue Jan 23 23:35:56 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was pablogsal

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker linaro-win-arm64 missing

2024-01-23 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named linaro-win-arm64 went away.

It last disconnected at Tue Jan 23 18:19:07 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Windows on Arm 
Linaro team 

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (timed out) (1b9abe4acc61c161afda23be30f597aed4c27c22)

2024-01-23 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder s390x Fedora Rawhide 
Refleaks 3.12 while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: edelsohn-fedora-rawhide-z

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure) (timed out)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 131, done.
remote: Counting objects:   1% (1/98)
remote: Counting objects:   2% (2/98)
remote: Counting objects:   3% (3/98)
remote: Counting objects:   4% (4/98)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (5/98)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (6/98)
remote: Counting objects:   7% (7/98)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (8/98)
remote: Counting objects:   9% (9/98)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (10/98)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (11/98)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (12/98)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (13/98)
remote: Counting objects:  14% (14/98)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (15/98)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (16/98)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (17/98)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (18/98)
remote: Counting objects:  19% (19/98)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (20/98)
remote: Counting objects:  21% (21/98)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (22/98)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (23/98)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (24/98)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (25/98)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (26/98)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (27/98)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (28/98)
remote: Counting objects:  29% (29/98)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (30/98)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (31/98)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (32/98)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (33/98)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (34/98)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (35/98)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (36/98)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (37/98)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (38/98)
remote: Counting objects:  39% (39/98)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (40/98)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (41/98)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (42/98)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (43/98)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (44/98)
remote: Counting objects:  45% (45/98)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (46/98)
remote: Counting objects:  47% (47/98)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (48/98)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (49/98)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (50/98)
remote: Counting objects:  52% (51/98)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (52/98)
remote: Counting objects:  54% (53/98)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (54/98)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (55/98)
remote: Counting objects:  57% (56/98)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (57/98)
remote: Counting objects:  59% (58/98)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (59/98)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (60/98)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (61/98)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (62/98)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (63/98)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (64/98)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (65/98)
remote: Counting objects:  67% (66/98)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (67/98)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (68/98)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (69/98)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (70/98)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (71/98)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (72/98)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (73/98)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (74/98)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (75/98)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (76/98)
remote: Counting objects:  78% (77/98)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (78/98)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (79/98)
remote: Counting objects:  81% (80/98)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (81/98)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (82/98)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (83/98)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (84/98)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (85/98)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (86/98)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (87/98)
remote: Counting objects:  89% (88/98)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (89/98)
remote: Counting objects:  91% (90/98)
remote: Counting objects:  92% (91/98)
remote: Counting objects:  93% (92/98)
remote: Counting objects:  94% (93/98)
remote: Counting objects:  95% (94/98)

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): - failed test (failure) (timed out) (b822b85ac11e73bbe4417bf03ee770ab116bb42d)

2024-01-23 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder s390x Fedora Rawhide 
Refleaks 3.x while building Python.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: edelsohn-fedora-rawhide-z

Build Reason: 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure) (timed out)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 205, done.
remote: Counting objects:   0% (1/175)
remote: Counting objects:   1% (2/175)
remote: Counting objects:   2% (4/175)
remote: Counting objects:   3% (6/175)
remote: Counting objects:   4% (7/175)
remote: Counting objects:   5% (9/175)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (11/175)
remote: Counting objects:   7% (13/175)
remote: Counting objects:   8% (14/175)
remote: Counting objects:   9% (16/175)
remote: Counting objects:  10% (18/175)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (20/175)
remote: Counting objects:  12% (21/175)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (23/175)
remote: Counting objects:  14% (25/175)
remote: Counting objects:  15% (27/175)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (28/175)
remote: Counting objects:  17% (30/175)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (32/175)
remote: Counting objects:  19% (34/175)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (35/175)
remote: Counting objects:  21% (37/175)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (39/175)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (41/175)
remote: Counting objects:  24% (42/175)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (44/175)
remote: Counting objects:  26% (46/175)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (48/175)
remote: Counting objects:  28% (49/175)
remote: Counting objects:  29% (51/175)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (53/175)
remote: Counting objects:  31% (55/175)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (56/175)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (58/175)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (60/175)
remote: Counting objects:  35% (62/175)
remote: Counting objects:  36% (63/175)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (65/175)
remote: Counting objects:  38% (67/175)
remote: Counting objects:  39% (69/175)
remote: Counting objects:  40% (70/175)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (72/175)
remote: Counting objects:  42% (74/175)
remote: Counting objects:  43% (76/175)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (77/175)
remote: Counting objects:  45% (79/175)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (81/175)
remote: Counting objects:  47% (83/175)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (84/175)
remote: Counting objects:  49% (86/175)
remote: Counting objects:  50% (88/175)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (90/175)
remote: Counting objects:  52% (91/175)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (93/175)
remote: Counting objects:  54% (95/175)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (97/175)
remote: Counting objects:  56% (98/175)
remote: Counting objects:  57% (100/175)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (102/175)
remote: Counting objects:  59% (104/175)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (105/175)
remote: Counting objects:  61% (107/175)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (109/175)
remote: Counting objects:  63% (111/175)
remote: Counting objects:  64% (112/175)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (114/175)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (116/175)
remote: Counting objects:  67% (118/175)
remote: Counting objects:  68% (119/175)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (121/175)
remote: Counting objects:  70% (123/175)
remote: Counting objects:  71% (125/175)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (126/175)
remote: Counting objects:  73% (128/175)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (130/175)
remote: Counting objects:  75% (132/175)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (133/175)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (135/175)
remote: Counting objects:  78% (137/175)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (139/175)
remote: Counting objects:  80% (140/175)
remote: Counting objects:  81% (142/175)
remote: Counting objects:  82% (144/175)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (146/175)
remote: Counting objects:  84% (147/175)
remote: Counting objects:  85% (149/175)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (151/175)
remote: Counting objects:  87% (153/175)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (154/175)
remote: Counting objects:  89% (156/175)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (158/175)
remote: Counting objects

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed test (failure) (3.11)

2024-01-22 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder s390x Fedora Rawhide LTO 
3.11 while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: edelsohn-fedora-rawhide-z

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Miss Islington (bot) 
<>, Serhiy Storchaka 

BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):


Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 65, done.
remote: Counting objects:   2% (1/43)
remote: Counting objects:   4% (2/43)
remote: Counting objects:   6% (3/43)
remote: Counting objects:   9% (4/43)
remote: Counting objects:  11% (5/43)
remote: Counting objects:  13% (6/43)
remote: Counting objects:  16% (7/43)
remote: Counting objects:  18% (8/43)
remote: Counting objects:  20% (9/43)
remote: Counting objects:  23% (10/43)
remote: Counting objects:  25% (11/43)
remote: Counting objects:  27% (12/43)
remote: Counting objects:  30% (13/43)
remote: Counting objects:  32% (14/43)
remote: Counting objects:  34% (15/43)
remote: Counting objects:  37% (16/43)
remote: Counting objects:  39% (17/43)
remote: Counting objects:  41% (18/43)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (19/43)
remote: Counting objects:  46% (20/43)
remote: Counting objects:  48% (21/43)
remote: Counting objects:  51% (22/43)
remote: Counting objects:  53% (23/43)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (24/43)
remote: Counting objects:  58% (25/43)
remote: Counting objects:  60% (26/43)
remote: Counting objects:  62% (27/43)
remote: Counting objects:  65% (28/43)
remote: Counting objects:  67% (29/43)
remote: Counting objects:  69% (30/43)
remote: Counting objects:  72% (31/43)
remote: Counting objects:  74% (32/43)
remote: Counting objects:  76% (33/43)
remote: Counting objects:  79% (34/43)
remote: Counting objects:  81% (35/43)
remote: Counting objects:  83% (36/43)
remote: Counting objects:  86% (37/43)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (38/43)
remote: Counting objects:  90% (39/43)
remote: Counting objects:  93% (40/43)
remote: Counting objects:  95% (41/43)
remote: Counting objects:  97% (42/43)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (43/43)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (43/43), done.
remote: Compressing objects:   5% (1/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  11% (2/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  17% (3/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  23% (4/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  29% (5/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  35% (6/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  41% (7/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  47% (8/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  52% (9/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  58% (10/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  64% (11/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  70% (12/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  76% (13/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  82% (14/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  88% (15/17)
remote: Compressing objects:  94% (16/17)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Total 65 (delta 28), reused 28 (delta 26), pack-reused 22
 * branch  3.11   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'f5d9980217b2f36d095aa58a9b949b828f113082'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at f5d9980217 [3.11] gh-114257: Ignore the FileNotFound error in 
ctypes.util._is_elf() (GH-114394) (GH-114445)
Switched to and reset branch '3.11'

renaming build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3 to build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/idle3 to build/scripts-3.11/idle3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/2to3 to build/scripts-3.11/2to3-3.11

renaming build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3 to build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/idle3 to build/scripts-3.11/idle3.11
renaming build/scripts-3.11/2to3 to build/scripts-3.11/2to3-3.11

renaming build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3 to build/scripts-3.11/pydoc3.11

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker linaro-win-arm64 missing

2024-01-22 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named linaro-win-arm64 went away.

It last disconnected at Mon Jan 22 19:33:24 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Windows on Arm 
Linaro team 

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] ☠ Buildbot (Python): python/cpython - failed compile (failure) (main)

2024-01-22 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder PPC64LE Fedora Rawhide LTO + 
PGO 3.x while building python/cpython.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL:

Worker for this Build: cstratak-fedora-rawhide-ppc64le

Build Reason: 
Blamelist: Nikita Sobolev , Serhiy Storchaka 

BUILD FAILED: failed compile (failure)

Summary of the results of the build (if available):

Captured traceback

remote: Enumerating objects: 9, done.
remote: Counting objects:  11% (1/9)
remote: Counting objects:  22% (2/9)
remote: Counting objects:  33% (3/9)
remote: Counting objects:  44% (4/9)
remote: Counting objects:  55% (5/9)
remote: Counting objects:  66% (6/9)
remote: Counting objects:  77% (7/9)
remote: Counting objects:  88% (8/9)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Compressing objects:  12% (1/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  25% (2/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  37% (3/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  50% (4/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  62% (5/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  75% (6/8)
remote: Compressing objects:  87% (7/8)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 9 (delta 1), reused 4 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
 * branch  main   -> FETCH_HEAD
Note: switching to 'd1b031cc58516e1aba823fd613528417a996f50d'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c 

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at d1b031cc58 gh-114414: Assert PyType_GetModuleByDef result in 
_threadmodule (#114415)
Switched to and reset branch 'main'

find: ‘build’: No such file or directory
find: ‘build’: No such file or directory
find: ‘build’: No such file or directory
find: ‘build’: No such file or directory
make[2]: [Makefile:2880: clean-retain-profile] Error 1 (ignored)
lto1: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
lto1: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source (by using 
See <> for instructions.
lto-wrapper: fatal error: gcc returned 1 exit status
compilation terminated.
/usr/bin/ld: error: lto-wrapper failed
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [Makefile:1247: Programs/_testembed] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
Please submit a full bug report, with preprocessed source (by using 
See <> for instructions.
lto-wrapper: fatal error: gcc returned 1 exit status
compilation terminated.
/usr/bin/ld: error: lto-wrapper failed
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [Makefile:971: python] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Makefile:830: profile-gen-stamp] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:842: profile-run-stamp] Error 2

Test report

 -The Buildbot

Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

[Buildbot-status] Buildbot Python worker ambv-bb-win11 missing

2024-01-21 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot worker named ambv-bb-win11 went away.

It last disconnected at Mon Jan 22 00:33:43 2024.

The admin on record (as reported by WORKER:info/admin) was Lukasz Langa 


Buildbot-status mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to
Member address:

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