To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                 Issue #|107316
                 Summary|Lock file confusion
                 Version|OOo 3.1
       Status whiteboard|
              Issue type|ENHANCEMENT
             Assigned to|spreadsheet
             Reported by|pinkgothic

------- Additional comments from Mon Nov 30 10:29:27 
+0000 2009 -------
I had no idea created .~lock files and so the following scenario
was driving me batty for a week:

I have two computers, between which I sync' files occasionally (albeit usually
only in one direction). There's one file I have open all day because it needs
constant updating. I save regularly, but I don't close it.

Now, obviously, copying over the entire folder contents of said file to the
other PC, isn't going to work: "Document file [...] is locked for editing by:
...". For a while I thought it was something in the file itself and frantically
looked for ways to -unlock- the file, before the behaviour had me scratching my

I spent some time working on a parallel copy so I could edit it, and whenever I
had to send it (it has to have a certain name), I'd delete the locked file and
replace it.

Was still locked, of course (the lock file didn't know I completely deleted the
file! :-) ). At this point I suspected the operating system, since I SSH into
the two machines a lot, and then I was completely confused.

Anyway, today I finally had some time to google the problem and of course I got
my answer almost immediately, and it's definitely a case of dumb user ("Arggh,
just hidden files, foh srs? *headbash against keyboard*") - but I still have to
ask: What? Why? Is this behaviour necessary? .~lock files are obviously
notoriously dumb (as in, the files themselves, not that they're made). In my
case, I had to delete it.

Now, I realise there are other programs out there who also create hidden files
while a document is open, but that still doesn't strike me as good practise. I
realise mine is a fringe case, but other .~lock file issues exist, too:

A short while ago, the dev-list had a thread on the subject: "Document file lock
system could be enhanced" (found on : ). Solutions to 
problem that the .~lock file tries to address cropped up there, too, e.g.
remembering a hash of the file on open. Might be worth a revisit?

Anyway, definitely not a bug; but I hope my tale, in combination with that of
the dev-list thread, might be enough to consider an enhancement of this
'feature'. :-)

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