To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|52915
                  Summary:|Allow the copying of database form "table control"
                          |object contents
                Component:|Database access
                  Version:|OOo 2.0 Beta
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|FEATURE
              Assigned to:|dbaneedsconfirm
              Reported by:|johnix

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Aug  4 13:50:44 -0700 
2005 -------
Database form table controls may contain information that is more useful than 
the tables they represent. EG they can include fewer columns, filtered or 
sorted data, list box columns which contain results from SQL queries, and have 
more precise data types (eg "currency"). 
However, there is no way that I know of to export the data as it is displayed 
in a table control : table control contents can not be copied and pasted into 
OOo Spreadsheet. The only way I can think of is by creating a database Query 
producing similar output. This is however a very burdensome task.  
Making table control contents copy-able would solve this problem gracefully.

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