To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|55797
                  Summary:|Can't rotate chart axis label text
                  Version:|OOo 2.0
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|DEFECT
              Assigned to:|kla
              Reported by:|wfaulk

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Oct 11 12:04:43 -0700 
2005 -------
If you try to rotate the label text in a chart, it automatically selects
"Vertically Stacked", which then becomes stuck, even if you unrotate the text.

To reproduce:
1) Create a chart with axis labels shown
2) Verify the axis labels are shown in normal left-to-right text
3) Bring up the X Axis properties and click on the Label tab
4) Move the "Rotate Text" rotary control to 270 degrees
5) Click OK

The text should now read top-to-bottom with the right edge of one character
touching the left edge of the next, but they read right-to-left with each
character rotated 90 degrees so that the bottom of each character touches the
top of the next.

6) Bring up the X Axis properties again and click the Label tab

The "Vertically Stacked" checkbox should not be checked, but is.

7) Uncheck the "Vertically Stacked" checkbox so that you can:
8) Rotate the text back to 0 degrees
9) Click OK

The label text should be back to the way it started, but is actually shown
top-to-bottom with each character rotated 90 degrees so that the bottom of each
character touches the top of the next.

6) Bring up the X Axis properties again and click the Label tab

The "Vertically Stacked" checkbox should again not be checked, but, again, is.

This is with the binary Solaris distribution of 2.0rc1.

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