To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|59012
                  Summary:|(Tanzanian) Swahili spell checking always on
                  Version:|OOo 2.0
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|DEFECT
             Subcomponent:|spell checking
              Assigned to:|[EMAIL PROTECTED]
              Reported by:|outolumo

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Dec  7 01:19:53 -0800 
2005 -------
I've been unable to enforce unselection of sw-TZ component from language aids.
The selection is made as instructed, but it does not come into effect. For other
all other languages (Including US English) this seems to work. 

I've tried to select only certain languages for use of multilingual
environments, namely Engilsh UK and USA for one system and Finnish, English,
French, German, and Spanish for another. The idea was to not select any other
languages for language aids. However, this seems to be impossible.

Whenever Tools-Options-Writing Aids-Available language modules dialog has Spell
checking option enabled, and the language is set to (Tanzanian)swahili (e.g. in
stylist) the spell check is completed, even if NO languages were selected for
spell checking. Also, when performing a spell check, it is always possible to
select sw-TZ as the language, no matter what the selections are.

(It seems, that if the document contains no styles that the spell checker could
check, it wont check the document at all - however, it is always possible to
assign sw-TZ as a spellcheckable language from the stylist.)

In the following are my thoughts based on my experimenting with this feature:
- Could it be, that there is a flag signifying if a language is usable for spell
checking, and where this flag is usually turned off/flipped, there is a bug in
the code causing it to be always on?
- Could it be, that this language is some sort of default that is always on?

And finally, the systems I've run this on (in case anyone cares): 2.0
English user interface
Windows 2000 Pro
PC 2.0
Finnish User interface,
Finnish language spell checking extra pack (soikko)
Various dictionaries in several European languages
Windows XP Home

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