To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|46522
                  Summary:|Important improvements to chart usefulness/usability
                  Version:|OOo 2.0 Beta
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|ENHANCEMENT
              Assigned to:|spreadsheet
              Reported by:|lesha

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Apr  1 18:59:02 -0800 
2005 -------
I know that this is violating the one issue/one report policy. However, this is
meant to become a place to collect important ideas that need to be considered,
and/or implemented. Ideas that will go into implementation should obviously get
their own issue.

I'm looking at OOo 2.0 Beta, and there are still major issues with chart
creation (which Excel has no problems with). 

Here are a few:

1) Take a list of 200 numbers, select it, click the chart wizard, and request,
say, a plot of these numbers connected by a line. This will take a large number
of seconds, and at the end you get a totally illegible X axis with two hundred
labels saying "Row ***". Obviously, it's better to drop most labels if the can't
all be fit in the picture. This should speed up drawing lots, too.

2) In order to put two distinct series of X-Y plots on the same chart, one has
to perform a very unnatural contortion. More specifically, I've got two lists of

0.64    0.25
0.94    0.93
0.84    0.57
0.17    0.63


0.57    0.37
0.95    0.94
0.96    0.75

and I want them as separate series (perhaps in slightly different styles) on one

I can kind of accomplish by running X-Y plot on data like so:

0.64    0.25    
0.94    0.93    
0.84    0.57    
0.17    0.63    
0.57            0.37
0.95            0.94
0.96            0.75

But, even so, I can't have a line connecting the first set of data, but not the

In Excel, on the other hand, there is the data series editor, which is a much
more natural way to put several things on one plot (although I think the UI
there isn't _great_, it's better than what OOo has got). 

OOo seems to lack the data series abstraction altogether, at least in the
interface. We deal with one block of data, and this needs to change. For
instance, because Excel fundamentally deals with data series, you can drag a
data series from one plot to another. This is quite a useful, easy way to
combine plots. 

3) This ties in with 2), but is a bit separate. Once I create a chart, there is
no way to change what's plotted on it. The most I can do is change values on the
sheet. But, say I create a bar chart with 5 bars, and then I get a 6ths. Now
I've got to create a new chart and format it again, from the very start. That's
a huge waste of time if you deal with frequently changing data.

4) There is no way to create a plot with two Y axes, with different scales. When
this is done, it should be easier and clearer than in Excel. (I can flesh this
one out a bit more if there is interest)

5) 3D surface plots from grid data would be a good addition. I mean something
like this:

x\y     1       2       3
0.5     0.8     0.56    0.24
0.6     0.31    0.34    -0.03
0.7     0.16    0.09    0.06
0.8     0.89    0.6     0.28

With current modes, one can sort of fake this with several adjacent 3D strips.
However, it doesn't look too good.

Moreover, a 3D surface mode could (and should) support contour plots under the
surface, in the style of gnuplot. 

I realize that this is more of a scientific-computing feature request, and so
don't have too much hope of it being taken seriously.

Please comment on the above. I will then create bugs for those deemed worthy of

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