To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|59185
                  Summary:|Regular expressions searhc replace may result in
                          |severe data loss
                Component:|Word processor
                  Version:|OOo 2.0.1
               OS/Version:|Windows XP
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|DEFECT
              Assigned to:|mru
              Reported by:|ftack

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Dec 10 09:13:21 -0800 
2005 -------
Steps to reproduce the problem

* Open the attached doc "longissue.odt". It is a 33 page doc, with blank lines
created using two paragraph breaks, and single paragraph breaks after single
sentences. Note at the very end of the document a line: "This is the last line.
In the original doc, the above three paragraphs were repeated 100 times." 100 is
counted using a Numer range field. Typically, a more advanced user may want to
clean up this document, turning the two consecutive paragraph breaks into one
paragraph break, and removing the enters between the lines to combine them to
one paragraph.

The following procedure works for short pieces of text, but on a moderately size
doc such as this, it causes severe data loss.

* Find "$" replace with "!token!", regular expressions checked. As yet another
issue with regex, not all paragraph marks end up being replaced by !token!.
Repeat the find/replace operation hittng "replace all" again. the search now
takes significantly longer, and the wakefull eye already sees that by now
document already is missing its end and is corruptes, so we could already stop
here. However, usually, one would notice this only later.

* Now Find "!Token!!Token!" replace with "!para!", regex not checked to later on
replace all two consecutive paragraph breaks with one.

* Replace "!Token!" with " " (space) regex not checked.

* Replace "!para!" with "\n" regex checked to insert paragraph breaks again.

Note that we are left with 15 pages only, the last line cut of. Note also that
the Fields have been corrupted: "Instance x" counts to 10, then further on the
fields are removed.

This is an issue resulting in severe data loss and document corruption which
therefore should have a high priority.

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