To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                  Issue #:|61270
                  Summary:|Cannot apply/revert via toolbar font styles to more
                          |than 999 paragraphs
                Component:|Word processor
                  Version:|OOo 2.0.1
        Status whiteboard:|
               Issue type:|DEFECT
              Assigned to:|mru
              Reported by:|pescetti

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Jan 28 07:20:55 -0800 
2006 -------
If you select 1000 or more plain formatted paragraphs you can apply a font style
such as Bold, Italic or Underlined to them via toolbar or keyboard shortcuts but
you can't then revert the formatting via toolbar or keyboard shortcuts.

1. Create a text with 1000 or more paragraphs (I will shortly attach a sample).
2. Select all.
3. Apply Bold via toolbar. All paragraphs are typeset in Bold now.
4. Click again on the Bold icon in the toolbar.

5. Bold formatting is removed.

5. OOo does not recognize the text as Bold (it succeeds with 999 paragraphs, but
not with 1000 or more); the button for Bold isn't highlighted as it should, but
no explicit warnings are shown; clicking on the Bold icon results in applying
Bold again.

At the very least, OOo should warn that the selected text size exceeds a limit,
or the limit should be documented somewhere; toolbar icons could be greyed out
when the text exceeds OOo capacity.

I reckon this is a bug and not a feature request: if I receive a text with 1001
bold paragraphs and want to set a plain style, I cannot go through the usual
keyboard shortcuts or the toolbar, and I'm forced to go through the Format ->
Character dialog. Nothing in the documentation warns about these limitations of
toolbar/keyboard commands.

[Reported by Andrea on the Italian mailing list]

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