To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
                 Issue #|83657
                 Summary|Weblinks (content) is not downloaded upon import, comp
                        |romising privacy and usability of documents
               Component|Word processor
                 Version|OOo 2.3
       Status whiteboard|
              Issue type|DEFECT
             Assigned to|mru
             Reported by|ntsiebel

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Nov 15 09:51:50 +0000 
2007 -------
This issue happens when inserting web content into an OpenOffice Writer document
via the clipboard (system's Copy&Paste function) from a web browser.  Any image
link, including tracking images (e.g. webbugs, which are often transparent 1x1
Pixel GIFs, but also other images with tracking parameters in the URI) are not
inserted as images but as hyperlinks (like
 This creates the following problems:

 1 - The document can only be viewed correctly when an Internet connection is
available and the content can be downloaded.  Since modern web sites often
express content in image data (e.g. tickmarks that say yes/no) this is at least
inconvenient.  The document may loose information content and even its whole
purpose when an image location is changed after some time (a "time bomb on
document contents", so to speak).

 2 - Whenever the document is opened the download of web content may trigger a
tracking action on the web server, enabling the content provider to be notified
whenever and wherever the document is opened.  This is a great opportunity for
tracking companies (who already master this on websites) but compromises the
privacy of the user (who will usually not be aware of this and not think of this
when opening a text file).

This happens using Firefox/KDE/oowriter (Novell/openSUSE) under Linux
but this may very well also happen on other systems and when pasting web content
into drawings, spreadsheets etc.  For instance, when I open such a document in
Windows my Sunbelt Kerio Firewall alerts me that OpenOffice (here: 2.0) accesses
the Internet and the target web server is identified by its IP address (and yes,
it really is the source website from the initial copy&paste).  Kerio has counted
and blocked 235 Internet access attempts by since I opened one
document a few minutes ago.

I would like to be notified of this situation when pasting web content from the
clipboard.  There should be an option (e.g. via a dialog box) to download it
once and for all, then store the content in the OpenOffice document so that a
complete document is obtained.  Furthermore it would be great to be notified of
this when a document (which may be given to me by someone who intends to track
me) is opened.  Web content may not be necessary to view the document (e.g.
webbugs) and I may want it to be excluded from the document.  Finally, if there
is room for it an option for this in the "Extras" menu (or maybe under File
Properties, unless that would be too hidden?) to convert the document into a
non-linked, complete one would be nice.

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