User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa
project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with:
95331 unix only: python cannot be started
96314 Wrong command line argument encoding in wrapper
User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa
project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with:
88633 make css.uri.XVndSunStarScriptUrl mutable
88703 TypeDescription.calculateTypeArguments br
User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa
project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with:
79552 module bridges fails to build on m220 with gcj
76838 Bad code generated by cppumaker with
User mh has changed several issues in qa
project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with:
53950 cppumaker: encode UNOIDL identifiers that are C++ keywords
78999 Remove javaldx on Mac OS X
User rene has changed several issues in qa
project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with:
Issues: Summary:
81486 OOo 2.3.0 RC2 Linux/MIPS jvmfwk patch
81482 OOo 2.3.0 RC2 Linux/MIPS bridges patch