[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2010-02-22 Thread thorstenziehm
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 96831 Build breaks with warning error in tools dirent.cxx 94833 svtoosl: does svtmisc.uno.so re

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2009-10-09 Thread jsk
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User jsk has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 100396 svtools: costly external data symbols sHTML_xxx/sRTF_xxx 88162 Removing blank lines from a .xcu fil

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2009-07-20 Thread thorstenziehm
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 92287 JDK detection beyond base line does not work 94339 svtools should depend on sot 94317

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2009-07-20 Thread thorstenziehm
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 90820 resource manager does not have set default locale Changes: Stat

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2009-07-20 Thread thorstenziehm
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 90820 resource manager does not have set default locale Changes: Stat

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2009-07-20 Thread thorstenziehm
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 90820 resource manager does not have set default locale Changes: Stat

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2009-07-20 Thread thorstenziehm
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 52436 [RFE] add new methods for testing the EditBrowseBox 79338 libtextcat/data: where from? wh

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2009-07-20 Thread thorstenziehm
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User thorstenziehm has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 78203 external/jar/*xt* is obsolete. 90820 resource manager does not have set default locale 7

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2008-10-29 Thread sba
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User sba has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 65795 Undefined symbol __ZN4_STL15basic_streambufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE7seekposENS_4fposI11__mbstate_tEEi Ch

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2008-10-29 Thread sba
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User sba has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 65795 Undefined symbol __ZN4_STL15basic_streambufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE7seekposENS_4fposI11__mbstate_tEEi Ch

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2008-05-18 Thread ace_dent
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User ace_dent has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 58984 gcc-4.1: tools: warning: uninitialized variable is used 29402 W32-mingw: Patch mingw w32api in

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2008-05-18 Thread ace_dent
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User ace_dent has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 58984 gcc-4.1: tools: warning: uninitialized variable is used 29402 W32-mingw: Patch mingw w32api in

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2008-05-18 Thread ace_dent
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User ace_dent has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 58984 gcc-4.1: tools: warning: uninitialized variable is used 29402 W32-mingw: Patch mingw w32api in

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2008-02-28 Thread mav
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User mav has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: 80457 resource leak - no delete after new is called Changes: Status

[util-issues] Changes to multiple issues in qa

2007-10-02 Thread rene
http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ProjectIssues User rene has changed several issues in qa project. Below is a list of the changed issues you are associated with: Issues: Summary: 81481 OOo 2.3.0 RC2 Linux/MIPS platform definition Changes: Field: Value: Com