hello, im not sure if this if the right place to respond to but it was the only provided. I'm sorry for the errors in my last message and probaly this one too, it isn't humour its just i'm in a rush because i have a lot to do. So much i am pretty much that i am always having to cut things down in time and just cut most things out. Here are a list of words that were wrong on my assainment.
Format: how it spelt things wrong/ what i ment
gon / gone
commeted / committed
writen / written
Unforcehently / Unforchently
viciosly / viciously
defently / definitely
peaping / peeping
defently / definitely
pitty / pity
insestual / incestual
apon / upon
mariage / marriage

P.S. And remember this is just what I found and I excluded gramer but i dont think you do that do you?
PPS Why do you have three dictionaires where one coalted one would do? I was trying to add a word to the dic file when I noticed this, whitch one should I use?


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