Those are the only two version that I have tried so far.  This problem
is a recent one however.  It exhibits itself when playing a DVD movie
(The Matrix, region one) with xine.  I have spoken to a xine developer,
and he was of the opinion that it was an ALSA problem, not a xine one.
So I am reporting this here.

During the beginning Warner Bros. logo clip, the sound has a
helicopter-effect going on (you hear the sound, but broken up by a
whop-whop-whop-whop noise).  This stops once the DVD menu is reached,
but begins again for the actual movie.

There are a few interesting differences between the clips that do and
don't work.  The one's that do not work on 4 channel, and use a buffer
size of 8192 bytes.  The one that does is only 2 channels, and has a
buffer size of 16384.  Is it possibly that there is a bug (hardware or
software) in the usage of this small buffer size?

If I tell xine not to use four-channel sound, the two problematic clips
sound perfect.  However, they are then played as 2 channel clips, again
with the 16384 buffer size.

Four channel playback did work at one time.  Possibly in the beta10 era.
If there is interest, I will try reverting to this version, and testing
for the problem there.  Any assistance is appreciated.  Thanks
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
                        -- George Orwell
He's alive.  He's alive!  Oh, that fellow at RadioShack said I was mad!
Well, who's mad now?
                        -- Montgomery C. Burns


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