I receive the same error message from amixer and the other ALSA tools:

    $ amixer
    ALSA lib control.c:601:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL default
    amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory

    $ alsamixer
    ALSA lib control.c:601:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL default

    alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or

    $ alsactl power
    ALSA lib control.c:601:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
    alsactl: show_power:1116: snd_ctl_open error: No such file or directory

    $ aplay -l
    ALSA lib control.c:601:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
    aplay: device_list:195: control open (0): No such file or directory
    aplay: conf.c:2901: snd_config_update_free: Assertion `update->count
     > 0 && update->finfo' failed.

Seems like there is a common theme here.

Some details about my system:

    ALSA 0.9.0rc1
    Red Hat 7.2/kernel 2.4.9-31
    SoundBlaster Live! 5.1
    from /etc/modules.conf:

        options snd snd_device_mode=0660 snd_device_gid=502 snd_device_uid=0

    (where 502 is my "audio" group, and my current user is a member of
    this group)

I ran ./snddevices, and it completed successfully.
I verified that the owner/permissions in /proc/asound/dev match those 
specified in /etc/modules.conf.

One more thing: when I run any of the programs listed above as "root", 
they work perfectly fine.



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