I'm using Fedora 9.

Yesterday, I installed a no-name PCI sound card. It had a place to plug in a cable from my DVD player. I plugged that in. A chip on the card said Ensoniq 1371.

I ran aplay -l. I was told I had no soundcards.

I ran lspci -v. I was told:

00:0d.0 multimedia audio controller: NexGen Microsystems Unknown device 1371 (rev 02)

At the ALSA site, I found a reference to the modules needed for the ES1371. I modprobed them. aplay still denied I had any soundcard.

I gave up for the day.

This morning, I turned the computer on and ran aplay -l again.

This time, I got:

List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices

card 0: AudioPCI [Ensoniq AudioPCI], device 0: ES1371/1 [ES1371 DAC2/ADC]
subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

card 0: AudioPCI [Ensoniq AudioPCI], device 1; ES1371/2 [ES1371 DAC1]
subdevices 1/1
Subdevice #0; subdevice #0

However, I still couldn't get any sound. I unmuted everything in the mixer. That didn't help.

I then rebooted. aplay -l then denied I had any soundcards and has continued to do so since, though I've rebooted a number of times.

Fedora 9 doesn't come with alsaconf. I installed it and ran it. I selected the Ensoniq 1371 sound card and, when asked to choose numerical values, I chose 128 each time.

 Then alsaconf tried to run start, but said it couldn't and that my card had probably been setected incorrectly.

I'd be very grateful for any guidance, since it seems that the card was detected once.

Thanks for reading this.

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