I am posting this again under a different subject, in the hope that
someone owns a "Hoontech SoundTrack Audio DSP24 Value" or "Terratec
EWX 24/96" and can tell me about his experience:

What alternatives are there to this Midiman Audiophile 2496 ? This is
what I want:

- RCA Jacks on the card for analogue input and output
- additional digital input/output 
- software gain control
- full alsa support
- 24bit/96khz AD/DA
- about the same price as the Audiophile

the "Hoontech SoundTrack Audio DSP24 Value" looks good for example,
but I don't know if it supports software gain, from looking at the
alsa driver i would say maybe. Is this the same card as the
http://www.staudio.com/products/dsp24ve/info.html ? 

The Terratec EWX 24/96 is an option too, but they have a bit crap
attitude towards linux.

Christof Damian         
Technical Director, guideguide ltd.                 

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