On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 9:54 PM, Mike Cloaked <mike.cloa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a machine running arch linux which has an HDMI monitor and which
> has sound coming through the monitor via HDMI just fine when playing music
> from Amarok, and login system sounds play fine too.  However there is no
> sound from flash content in the chrome browser for this system.
> I had selected the appropriate hdmi channel in kmix for all the available
> audio playback devices.
> alsamixer has all output channels unmuted.
> The motherboard (DQ77KB) has one alsa card which supports hdmi output and
> it does work for KDE apps and system sounds.
> Also I can get sound coming out of the monitor speakers via hdmi with:
> aplay -D plughw:0,7 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
> However if I run chrome and play a flash video the video I can see fine -
> but there is no sound.
> I have read all the available arch wiki articles about hdmi sound
> including that at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ for alsa which
> suggest making a ~/.asound file with definitions for the default device but
> as soon as I make a ~/.asound file with either of the suggested contents
> KDE immediately tells me that the hdmi sound for that output has been
> selected to be removed and offers me to make that permanent!
> This is for an x86_64 arch system all up to date - and I have flashplayer
> installed.
> Can anyone guide me as to where to look for a solution that will get this
> particular system playing sound from flash content on web pages in chrome
> with the existing alsa sound package? I don't have pulseaudio installed and
> I would like to be able to get this working without resorting to going that
> route.
> I have several other (non-hdmi) systems which have no problem with sound
> from web pages playing flash content.

I have resolved this - I had not installed a gstreamer plugin that it seems
was needed for audio from flashplayer. So this thread is closed.

mike c
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