Hi there!

I was getting $SUBJECT on my Debian unstable testbed box when I
updated it after a few months of going without. Which wasn't a
problem, since I wanted to evaluate Ubuntu (breezy) for some relatives

It's just that a stock breezy install has the same problem, with and
without the stable updates.

The other card in the machine (Intel onboard) is fine. Mixer settings look ok.

dmesg and lsmod output attached, please tell what other files you need.

Kernel is: Linux kenny 2.6.12-10-amd64-k8-smp #1 SMP Thu Dec 22
11:27:46 UTC 2005
    x86_64 GNU/Linux

Thank you,


Attachment: dmesg.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: lsmod.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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