
I have an Auron Space card 7.1 witch uses the ice_1724 driver.
Sound is working with most application, but now I wanted
all 8 channels to work, so searched around and found a config
on this list. I get sound from all 8 channels. Now I wanted applications
to produce sound simultaniously and understood that the dmix plug
is just made for that.

Thus I tried to learn how plugins worked and how to set them in
asound.conf, but I just can't grasp the logic of it. It's not comprehensive.
The documents I try to read jump in at a technical level.
I thought I just give it a shot and try, here is the asound.conf:

pcm.surround71 {
       type plug
       slave {
               pcm "hw:0,0"
               channels 8
       route_policy duplicate
       ttable.0.0 1
       ttable.1.1 1
       ttable.0.2 1
       ttable.1.3 1
       ttable.0.4 1
       ttable.1.5 1
       ttable.0.6 1
       ttable.1.7 1

pcm_slave.ice1724_S32_LE {
       pcm surround71;
       format S32_LE;

pcm.convert {
       type plug;
       slave ice1724_S32_LE;


pcm.!default {
       type plug
       slave.pcm "dmixer"

   pcm.dmixer  {
       type dmix
       ipc_key 1024
       slave {
           slave.pcm "convert"
           period_time 0
           period_size 1024
           buffer_size 4096
           rate 44100
       bindings {
           0 0
           1 1

   ctl.dmixer {
       type hw
       card 0

My understanding from this config is that alsa aware applications always
write to the "default" device when started without any parameters. And that
the "default" device is hard coded in ALSA lib. But when preceding a virtual
device (in asound.conf) with an "!" this gets overidden and the applications
use the virtual one. In my situations this is a dmix plug (or if i'am correct,
the slave pcm of the "!default" pcm is the mixer?). So my logic tells me
that sound gets mixed and passed to slave pcm "convert", witch will call
slave pcm "ice1724_S32_LE", that will call pcm "surround71" that finally will
pass the audio stream to all 8 channels. Am I correct? Guess not because
there is no noise with this config.

It works with one of the to config blocks (dmix or surround71), only
the dmix gives me crackling sound, ticking. Because of the buffersize?

Anyhow, I gave up and so my question to the more technical users that
visit this list. What am I doing wrong here (or tell me that I messing
things up and should be better of with Windows(tm)).
I would appreciate a human understandable explenation on how this
works (the big picture would be fine).

Thanks in advance,

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