Dr M calls for Pak Lah to step down
Aug 8, 06

  Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has apparently burnt his bridges 
with his hand-picked successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi by calling him to quit his 
  “If we have a prime minister who sold the country, why wait for five years? 
We have to take early action,” said Mahathir yesterday at a press conference at 
Universiti Teknologi Petronas in Tronoh, Perak. 
  “If he sold the country, there’s no need to wait five years. We must not 
always say we support the prime minister.” 

This is the first time that the ex-Umno strongman has come out openly to demand 
Abdullah to quit despite previously saying that he had no intention of 
overthrowing the prime minister. 

Mahathir has levelled a number of criticisms at his successor in recent weeks, 
including the scrapping of the ‘crooked bridge’ to Singapore. 

He accused the government of ‘kowtowing’ to Singapore and failed to protect 
national interests. 

Umno not the target 

Mahathir, who was at the university to give a lecture on ‘Challenges in running 
a country’, also argued that he was not criticising ruling party Umno in his 
on-going spat with Abdullah. 

“I’ve never criticise Umno in my speeches. I only criticised the leader who 
swayed away from the wishes of Umno,” he said. 

He said despite that past Umno leaders faced stringent criticisms, the party 
had remained strong 

“I was challenged until I almost lost, yet Umno remained strong... We are not 
condemning Umno, we are condemning the leadership who are not following the 
party’s principles and struggles.” 

Mahathir took another potshot at Abdullah’s ambitious son-in-law, Umno Youth 
deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin, who last week vowed to answer the allegations 
against him including his multi-million ringgit purchase of shares in boutique 
investment bank, ECM-Libra. 

“What’s there to answer? He’s not answering. Where did he get RM9 million? He 
said he borrowed from friends. Who are his friends whom he can borrow as much 
as RM9 million? I, too, would like to borrow... 

“There are some in Umno Youth who also would like to borrow RM9 million to buy 
ECM-Libra shares. Can they go and take a loan? Why did his friends give him the 
loan? Even if we want to get a loan from the bank, can we go borrow RM9 million 
to buy ECM-Libra shares?” 

Dr M to be party delegate 

He said that he would attend the Umno divisional meeting of Kubang Pasu - the 
constitutency which he represented in Parliament for almost three decades - if 
he was selected by party members. 

“I have the right to be picked as a delegate. I’m going.” 

However, he said that he would not want to be a delegate at the Umno general 
assembly to be held later this year. 

Even if I was a delegate, I would not be allowed to speak.” 

He argued that when he was challenged by his political rivals in Umno when he 
was prime minister, he had allowed them to go to the party grassroots to make 
speeches against him. 

“I almost got ousted, only won with 43 votes. I did not jail them. Perhaps they 
could not remember because Malays can easily forget,” he said referring to the 
contest between him and former vice-president Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in 1987. 

“Now I can’t go close to former Umno members. Mubarak, which is an organisation 
of ex-parliamentary and state representatives, cannot... 

Mahathir also warned that the Internet would be curbed soon by the government. 

“Soon, the Internet will get it too... because we are an open society. Must 
censor the Internet. Only those (opinions) which support the government can be 
published...,” he said in his trademark sarcasm.
  Selangor fails ‘trial of trusteeship’ 
KJ John - Aug 8, 06
  The Sun shone in Selangor this past week for good governance advocates! A 
fait accompli project to give an absolute monopoly to a private company was 
correctly revoked by MTEN, Selangor’s equivalent of the National Economic 
Action Council at federal level.             KJ John     KJ John served in 
public service for 30 years and took optional retirement to work in his own 
consulting group. He hopes to see transparent and open, new governance 
practiced in Malaysia some day. Credit for the decision, I hear, goes both to 
the Sultan of Selangor and The Sun’s brilliant and timely revelation. The 
headline story gave the semua-OK MB an opportunity to reflect fully on the 
implications of monopoly. 

The consequences were reversals of the policy and decision, although the deal 
had been already approved, based on documents secured by The Sun. 

This problem of the privatisation and ‘piratisation’ of public assets and 
opportunities in this country is still a very serious problem. On Feb 13, I 
made a formal complaint on a specific issue and problem to the Parliamentary 
Special Committee on Integrity. 

More recently, I filed another formal complaint to the Public Accounts 
Committee of Parliament. But can we understand and better appreciate the real 
issues related to such privatisation projects? 

The government of the day is authorised to administer the country for a fixed 
period by the mandate of the people through a general election. In Selangor, 
the Barisan Nasional (BN) is in power with a solitary opposition member. 

But the stewardship of, and trust placed in, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad 
Badawi (Pak Lah) and the BN team for good governance at federal level is slowly 
being called into question. He appointed the Selangor Mentri Besar and those 
who live and work in the state - like me - are forced to accept his choice. I 
have no real objections to anyone’s appointment except when the person is 
either arrogant or not transparent enough by way of good governance. 

Pak Lah was elected with such a huge majority for his promise about better 
governance of the nation. We can hold the PM to this pledge. 

Do things right 

This point cannot be lost to most politicians. My best friend calls this the 
challenge of “the trial of trusteeship”. All leaders are given authority by God 
to lead a group for a period of time, which Ibrahim calls only a “trial period 
of trusteeship”. We are being tested by the Almighty before he takes that power 
away from us. And when He does, you must not regret the things you did not do 

Therefore good trusteeship requires “doing right the first and every time with 
the right attitude and right processes in place”. Where this involves public 
assets, the Federal Financial Procedures Act can and must be invoked. 
Unfortunately in this particular case, the Selangor MB and his team have shown 
their lack of knowledge of due process once too often. 

In this column, I have written against a number of poor decisions by the MB and 
his team but until The Sun’s report, the light had not dispelled darkness. For 
instance, Selangor was declared a “developed state” by Selangor for Selangor. 
How can I declare myself a self-righteous man before my own family? 

The MB and his team have proven that they do not even understand the basic 
concept of development. I therefore refer them to an article by Lee Hwok Aun 
entitled, ‘Development in Malaysia: Economics and Politics of an Idea’ in 
Akademi 64 (Januuari) 2004: 65-81. Dear MB, please make time to get informed 
and do not pass judgment without proper knowledge of the subject. 

The PM himself has highlighted the problem of the environmental degradation and 
disregard in Selangor with regard to extensive rape of green belts and lungs. 
Dear MB, do you need the PM to take you on another helicopter ride and another 
re-education programme before you avert all the environment-related disasters? 
How many more innocent people must die before you learn the core and simple 
lesson of the value of every single God-given life? 

The rule of law or the abuse of the rule of law is another issue in Selangor. 
The case by Taman Desaria residents against then MPPJ was a case in point. 
Right there in court, it was proven that the MTEN is not a legal body and has 
no legal basis to exist. Yet it remains in existence because the ‘trusteeship’ 
is not respected or regarded. Dear MB, do you need the PM to call you or for 
the Attorney-General to call you before you learn that rule of law is enshrined 
in our Rukunegara? 

Decision questionable 

The privatisation of three rivers in Selangor was the “most obnoxious case of 
privatisation” and my fear is that it was also the MTEN which made the same 
decision. I even enquired with a public service colleague with the Drainage and 
Irrigation Department (DID), and he could not tell me under which law such a 
privatisation of pubic assets and resources can be made. Maybe the AG or the 
state legal advisor should advise all citizens on the legal basis of the 
privatisation of public assets? 

My argument against such privatisation is as follows; the privatisation of 
public space and opportunities must follow the rule of law because the owners 
of public space are not merely the current occupants but also the future 
generations of Malaysians for whom the Federal Constitution was also 
promulgated for posterity. All common space and public space belongs to the 
Federation of Malaysia and the peoples of Malaysia for eternity. Under the 
constitution and the federal land law, all matters come under the jurisdiction 
of the state authorities, as per the Federal-State List. 

But no state has absolute authority over land and other related permanent 
fixtures under the definition of ‘land for posterity’. For instance, it has 
become obvious after the most recent case, that Johor cannot independently sell 
sand to Singapore without explicit approval from the federal government. 
Case-law on such matters has been established. 

My next question to the AG is: does Selangor have absolute jurisdiction to 
“privatise three rivers in Selangor” without reference to the federal DID and 
without the support of the federal cabinet? Who has absolute jurisdictional 
authority over the three rivers, even if they are located in Selangor? 

Have the environmental and posterity related issues been taken into 
consideration, in the privatisation of the river? What if the contractors 
pollute the river, whose responsibility will it be? Or worse, if they mine the 
river for all mineral deposits and dispose polluted water into the river, whose 
responsibility would it be if the fish die? How can the DID be held responsible 
for ‘loving the river’ if some parts are not under its supervision? 

My rhetorical question is, ‘Can the air we breathe really be privatised?’. Can 
public space like that with billboards be blindly privatised for financial gain 
if it destroys the beauty of our natural environment? What about the physical 
danger these billboards pose, regardless of the camouflage tactics used? Please 
drive by Jalan 222, exit to the Federal Highway and notice whether it is legal 
when the base of the new billboard almost protrudes into the driver’s lane? 

Who defines such laws of good governance in public safety issues? Is it not the 
federal government’s responsibility to define good and acceptable practice in 
such cases? Is it not the Road Transport Department and transport minister who 
must help the nation define safety and not just MBPJ or even the PWD? Do we 
need another death before this matter is raised in the cabinet? 

The belligerent ‘piratisation’ of public spaces is squeezing citizens like me 
into a corner when it comes to quality of life in our lived environment. I 
think it is the MB’s responsibility to improve the quality of life in the state 
for the ordinary citizens. 

But, as it appears, this MB is more interested to take sides with his 
contractors (why else give the monopoly to a dormant company?) and slowly but 
surely deprive citizens of quality of life through the abuse of adequate 
public-good assets through poor trusteeship of the state or the local 

If reaping from public assets continues, citizens like me have no choice but to 
predetermine in our minds that, at the next elections, we must consciously 
choose to give the opposition a chance at governance, especially since the 
evidence of abuse stares us in the face every day. 

Maybe it is time for Pak Lah to choose a new team in Selangor before it is too 
late for BN. After all, it was his promise of improved governance that made me 
believe him.
  Son’s death sparks mum’s political career
Andrew Ong - Aug 8, 06
For two years, she challenged the police over her son’s death in custody and to 
claim his body. Today, G Sara Lily, the mother of Francis Udayappan, is 
entering politics. 

Four months after the funeral, the former tea-lady has chosen a political 
platform to campaign for greater transparency in the police force. 

“I don’t want this to happen to any other person’s children,” Sara Lily told a 
press conference yesterday to announce her entry into opposition party Parti 
Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). 

She also handed over 40 membership forms to Women’s chief Fauziah Salleh at the 
party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, on behalf of friends and supporters, most 
of whom are women. 

Sara Lily, who will lead the newly-formed Bandar Baru Sentul branch, said she 
had chosen Keadilan because it had steadfastly supported her cause. 

Vice-president R Sivarasa said Sara’s personality and courage is representative 
of the party’s struggle against cruelty. 

He reiterated calls for the immediate formation of the Independent Police 
Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) to increase effeciency and 
transparency in the police force. 

“If we had the IPCMC then (at the time of Francis’ death), this tragedy might 
have been avoided,” he said. 

PKR Youth vice-chief S Manikavasagam said a VCD documenting Sara Lily’s tussle 
with the police over Francis’ body would be distributed at the party’s annual 
congress in Penang next month. 

Sara Lily has maintained that police were involved in killing Francis and 
dumping his body into the Klang river after he had been detained on suspicion 
of theft. 

The police denied this, saying that Francis had jumped into the river after 
escaping from the Brickfields police station while being questioned. They later 
refused to release his remains on grounds of doubt over the identity. 

An inquest eventually determined that the body was that of Francis. It ruled 
out any foul play. but Sara Lily has filed an appeal against this finding.

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